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Magic Missile

Magic Missile

-level (

A trio of glowing darts of magical force unerringly and simultaneously strike the targets, each dealing 1d4+1 force damage.

Major Image

Major Image

-level (

Until the spell ends, you create an image that appears completely real. The illusion includes sounds, smells, and temperature in addition to visual phenomena. None of the effects of the illusion are able to cause actual harm.

While within range you can use an action to move the illusion. As the image moves you may also change its appearance to make the movement seem natural (like a roc moving its wings to fly) and also change the nonvisual elements of the illusion for the same reason (like the sound of beating wings as the roc flies).



-level (

You repair a single rip or break in the target object (for example, a cracked goblet, torn page, or ripped robe). The break must be smaller than 1 foot in all dimensions. The spell leaves no trace that the object was damaged.

Magic items and constructs may be repaired in this way, but their magic is not restored. 

You gain an expertise die on maintenance checks if you are able to cast this spell on the item you are treating.

Mental Grip

Mental Grip

-level (

You conjure extensions of your own mental fortitude to keep your foes at bay.



-level (

You point and whisper your message at the target. It alone hears the message and may reply in a whisper audible only to you.

You can cast this spell through solid objects if you are familiar with the target and are certain it is beyond the barrier. The message is blocked by 3 feet of wood, 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metals, or a thin sheet of lead.

The spell moves freely around corners or through openings.

Meteor Swarm

Meteor Swarm

-level (

Range: Special (1 mile)

Area: Four 40-foot radius spheres

Scorching spheres of flame strike the ground at 4 different points within range. The effects of a sphere reach around corners. Creatures and objects in the area take 14d6 fire damage and 14d6 bludgeoning damage, and flammable unattended objects catch on fire. If a creature is in the area of more than one sphere, it is affected only once.

Minor Illusion

Minor Illusion

-level (

This spell creates a sound or image of an object. The illusion disappears if dismissed or you cast the spell again.

You may create any sound you choose, ranging in volume from a whisper to a scream. You may choose one sound for the duration or change them at varying points before the spell ends. Sounds are audible outside the spell’s area.

Visual illusions may replicate any image and remain within the spell’s area, but cannot create sound, light, smell, or other sensory effects. 

Misty Step

Misty Step

-level (

You teleport to an unoccupied space that you can see, disappearing and reappearing in a swirl of shimmering mist.