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Magic Items

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Rarity Category Subcategory Cost (gp) Tags Source
Absurdist Web Very Rare Wondrous Item 11,250 Trials & Treasures
Absurdist Web (Adventures in Zeitgeist) Legendary Wondrous Item 88,000 Adventures in ZEITGEIST
Aegis of the Eternal Moon Very Rare Armor 6,075 Attunement, Charges Trials & Treasures
Aerial Bracers (rare) Rare Wondrous Item 3,000 Adventures in ZEITGEIST
Aerial Bracers (uncommon) Uncommon Wondrous Item 300 Adventures in ZEITGEIST
Aerodite the Autumn Queen’s True Name Uncommon Wondrous Item 120 Attunement Trials & Treasures
Air Charm Uncommon Wondrous Item Charm 500 Cursed Trials & Treasures
Alacritous Camera Uncommon Wondrous Item 500 Adventures in ZEITGEIST
Alliance Rings Uncommon Ring 125 Attunement Trials & Treasures
Amber Wings Uncommon Wondrous Item 115 Attunement Trials & Treasures
Ammunition +1 Uncommon Weapon 500 Trials & Treasures
Ammunition +2 Rare Weapon 2,000 Trials & Treasures
Ammunition +3 Very Rare Weapon 8,000 Trials & Treasures
Amulet of Health Rare Wondrous Item 5,000 Attunement Trials & Treasures
Amulet of Proof against Detection and Location Rare Wondrous Item 5,000 Attunement Trials & Treasures
Amulet of the Impeccable Spy Rare Wondrous Item 700 Adventures in ZEITGEIST
Amulet of the Planes Very Rare Wondrous Item 50,000 Attunement Trials & Treasures
Amulet of the Pleasing Bouquet Common Wondrous Item 50 Charges Trials & Treasures
Amulet of the Spectral Grove Legendary Wondrous Item 85,000 Attunement To Save A Kingdom
Ancient Broom Artifact Weapon Other 999,999 Attunement, Sentient Trials & Treasures
Ancient Orcs' Amulet Very Rare Wondrous Item 25,000 Adventures in ZEITGEIST
Ancient Orcs' Blade +1 Rare Weapon 5,000 Adventures in ZEITGEIST
Ancient Orcs' Blade +2 Very Rare Weapon 25,000 Adventures in ZEITGEIST
Ancient Orcs' Blade +3 Legendary Weapon 100,000 Adventures in ZEITGEIST
Ancient Orcs' Staff Rare Wondrous Item 5,000 Attunement Adventures in ZEITGEIST