Thoughtful Assistance
Thoughtful Assistance
You have a level of awareness and the presence of mind to support an ally in need.
You take the Help action.
Martial Alacrity
Martial Alacrity
With a little quick thinking on your feet, you can adjust your attack strategy to find additional ways to hit an opponent.
When you activate this maneuver, you take the Attack action and make a weapon attack, as well as any additional attacks granted by Extra Attack. Immediately after, you can make two unarmed strikes against the target of your last attack.
Elusive Maneuvering
Elusive Maneuvering
You are ever-present in the moment, allowing you to evade foes with ease.
You take the Dash or Disengage action (1 point) or the Dodge action (2 points) as a bonus action.
Imbued Strike
Imbued Strike
You imbue your strike with additional psychic energy.
When you next hit a target with a starglaive before the start of your next turn, you deal an additional 2d6 psychic damage.
You deactivate your blade momentarily just before it would be blocked by your enemy’s, and reactivate it to finish the strike.
When you make an attack against an enemy with a starglaive or an energy-imbued weapon, you make the attack at advantage using a maneuver to neatly bypass their defence.
Blinding Light
Blinding Light
Focusing your mind on your weapon, the illumination from your starglaive intensifies, blinding your foes.
Use an action to intensify your starglaive briefly. All creatures within 10 feet of you who can see the light of your starglaive must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they are blinded until the end of their next turn.
Guided Throw
Guided Throw
You throw your starglaive at your target, and it returns instantly to your hand.
Make a melee weapon attack with a starglaive against a creature within 30 feet. If you have additional attacks granted by Extra Attack, this maneuver replaces only one of them, and you may use the remaining attacks as normal
Targeted Fire
Targeted Fire
Lining up the shots, you carefully pick out your target along a ship’s massive frame.
Lose Them
Lose Them
You break direct line of sight with your enemies by flying into an area that’s dangerous or obscured.
You may only perform this starship maneuver while operating in a combat zone with the obscuring property. Any ships with a lock on you must make a Wisdom saving throw or lose their lock.
Escort Formation
Escort Formation
The squadron forms up around a single member to protect them from fire.
When you enter this formation, choose one of the starfighters in the formation. Until the start of your next turn, any attacks made against the chosen ship have disadvantage and attacks made against any other ships in the formation have advantage.