Psychosomatic Encouragement
Psychosomatic Encouragement
You can uplift an ally’s spirits and boost their endurance.
Select a friendly target that can see, hear, feel, or otherwise sense your presence. You impart the target with temporary hit points equal to 1d6 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier (minimum 0).
Calculated Trajectory
Calculated Trajectory
You instantly calculate and adjust your aim.
When you make a ranged weapon attack, you can use your reaction to gain an expertise die on the attack roll. If the weapon is a light or medium caster, a pistol, or a rifle, you can forgo the expertise die to instead ignore half or three-quarters cover.
Assess Defenses
Assess Defenses
A quick scan reveals weaknesses you can exploit.
You can use a bonus action to gain advantage on all attack rolls made during an Attack action you take on the same turn.
Psychic Sunder
Psychic Sunder
Focusing your psychic energy, you strike an object with concentrated force.
You make a single attack against an unattended object of size Large or smaller, such as a door, with a starglaive maul. On a hit, the object gains the broken condition. If the object is reinforced, you must instead beat its AC by 4 points or more in order to sunder it.
Shielded Stance
Shielded Stance
You stand firm, deflecting incoming missile attacks.
While you are wielding a starglaive, you can use your reaction to slice through or block ammunition when you are hit by a ranged weapon attack. When you do so, your AC against ranged attacks is increased by double your Wisdom modifier (including against the triggering attack) until the end of your next turn.
You strike the ground with a starglaive maul, causing a psychic shockwave to knock nearby creatures prone.
Use an action to strike the ground with a starglaive. All creatures within 10 feet of you make a Strength saving throw against your psionics save DC. On a failed save the target is pushed 5 feet and knocked prone.
Pull Up
Pull Up
Suddenly the empty space in front of you is occupied and you desperately try to pull your ship out of a collision course!
When you fail a saving throw to avoid a collision or attempted ramming, use your reaction to reroll the failed saving throw, taking the new result.
Stealth Formation
Stealth Formation
You mask each other’s energy signatures and try to fly under the radar.
Starfighter pilots in this formation gain an expertise die on Stealth checks.
Interceptor Formation
Interceptor Formation
You and your wingmen corral your targets to keep them from escaping.
Whenever you successfully lock on to a starfighter, any other ships in the formation can use their reaction to lock on to that same target. While locked on ships in the formation have advantage on attacks against it. If you lose the lock on a target other ships in the formation lose that lock as well.
Dive Bomb
Dive Bomb
Throwing personal safety by the wayside, you dive directly at your target to ensure the hit regardless of what little time there is to pull away afterward.
Make an attack with advantage against a target in the same combat zone. After the attack make a DC 15 Strength or Dexterity saving throw (your choice). On a failed save you ram the target of your attack (see Star Captain's Manual) unless your target can successfully save to avoid you.