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Leaf of Nicodemus, week's supply

Leaf of Nicodemus, week's supply

Monks cultivate this herb, which grows best on the islands of the Yerasol Archipelago. When crumbled, rolled, and smoked as a cigarette, the monk’s leaf soothes nerves and sharpens perception slightly. It can be addictive if used extensively, but has no social stigma, unlike fey pepper.

Fey pepper, week's supply

Fey pepper, week's supply

This rare plant only grows near paths to the Dreaming, and after the fall of the Elfaivaran empire five hundred years ago it became a black market item in most of Lanjyr.  When chewed or smoked, the pepper makes the user giddy and upbeat. With a sufficient dosage, the user begins to hallucinate, though many claim these visions are actually glimpses into the Dreaming.



A deep purple when found growing in the wild (and quite poisonous if eaten fresh), these fantastical fungi turn dark brown when dehydrated and properly prepared for consumption. Often baked into sweet desserts and served at elegant soirées of the archfey nobles, shroomheads enhance sensory perception and emotional awareness to unnatural levels.

Packpipe petals

Packpipe petals

Plucked from rare flowers that bloom only during the winter solstice, these petals are shredded and preserved by magical means. When the prepared petals are blended with pipeleaf and smoked, imbibers experience feelings of joy, warmth, and relaxation second only to the insatiable hunger that follows.

Nixie dust

Nixie dust

When lightly sprinkled, pixie dust has been known to cause a creature or object to levitate or even fly for a limited time. Nixie dust on the other hand has quite different properties which are made evident when the substance is inhaled in concentrated quantities.

Psychedelic Heights. When you inhale one dose of this dust, for the next minute you experience a fantastical euphoria and are hasted (as the haste spell with no concentration required).

Geistblock (5 uses)

Geistblock (5 uses)

This pungent salve smells like a mixture of citrus and clove, but it is made from local plants that have developed resistance to the spectral swarms.

Sycamore Petal Poultice

Sycamore Petal Poultice

Consumption of these pulped petals heightens your senses, and after you eat it you gain an expertise die on Wisdom saving throws for 1 hour.

Pressed Spiderbulb

Pressed Spiderbulb

Consuming this dried flower grants you energy and tightens your reflexes, and after you eat it you gain an expertise die on Dexterity saving throws for 1 hour.

Medicinal Salve

Medicinal Salve

Made from herbal ingredients, this tin of soothing salve can help mend grievous injuries. You can apply medicinal salve to your or a willing creature’s wounds during a short rest. A creature treated with medicinal salve rolls a bonus hit die and adds the result to the total number of hit points regained during the short rest. When used with a bandage, the bonus hit die from a medicinal salve restores the maximum amount of hit points. Once a creature benefits from a medicinal salve, it cannot do so again until it finishes a long rest.

Lavender Paste

Lavender Paste

Mixing lavender petals with herbs creates a natural insect repellent. You can use an action to apply the paste to yourself or a willing creature, granting immunity to insectbased hazards in swampy terrain.