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( points)

You aim carefully at your opponent’s most vulnerable spot.

Spirited Whistle

Spirited Whistle

( points)

You summon your mount to your side.

When you have become separated from your mount but can see it, you can use an action to whistle. As long as your mount is able to hear you, it uses its reaction to move until it is adjacent to you. 

Dive For Cover

Dive For Cover

( points)

Under fire, you dive for cover.

When you are targeted by a ranged attack, after it hits or misses you, you can use your reaction to move up to your Speed. 

If your movement ends adjacent to either a solid barrier as big as you are or a creature the same size as you or larger, until the beginning of your next turn you have three-quarters cover against ranged attacks (+5 bonus to AC and saving throws) as long as you remain adjacent to the barrier or creature.


Sacrifice Mount

Sacrifice Mount

( points)

You use your mount as a shield.

You must be mounted to use this maneuver. 

When a creature targets you with an attack you can use your reaction to swing down the side of your mount, making it the target of the attack instead of you. 

Launched Strike

Launched Strike

( points)

You leap from your mount to attack a nearby opponent.

You must be mounted to use this maneuver. 

You leap 10 feet away from your mount and make a melee weapon attack against a creature within your reach before you land. On a hit, your attack becomes a critical hit.



( points)

You trample down enemies in your path.

You must be mounted to use this maneuver. 



( points)

With careful judgments of distances, materials, wind, and applied force you let loose a shot that bounces off of one or more surfaces to strike opponents crouching behind walls or otherwise hidden from sight by cover.

Mounted Charge

Mounted Charge

( points)

You charge your foe using your mount’s strength and swiftness to add power to your attack.

When you activate this maneuver, you take the Attack action and make a weapon attack, as well as any additional attacks granted by Extra Attack.

You must be mounted to use this maneuver. 

Missile Volley

Missile Volley

( points)

Seizing upon the moment you make the sky rain death, striking at a multitude of creatures in rapid succession.

Make a ranged weapon attack against a number of creatures within 10 feet of a point you can see within your weapon’s range.

You may only target a number of creatures equal to or less than your proficiency bonus, you must have ammunition for each target, and you make a separate attack roll for each target.




( points)

With incredible swiftness you tear your weapon from its sheath and let fly a reckless attack.