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Transforming Cloak

Wondrous Item, Very Rare (requires attunement; cost 30000 gp)
Crafting Components

Essence of a giant elemental

While you are attuned to and wearing a transforming cloak, you gain resistance to a type of damage and you can use an action to activate an elemental form that lasts for 1 hour, until you fall unconscious , or you use a bonus action to end it. Once you have used the cloak to take on an elemental form, you cannot use that property again until you have finished a long rest. The resistance you gain and the type of your elemental form is listed on Table: Transforming Cloaks.

Gnome Cloak. This cloak appears to be made of vibrant earthy soil, yet it leaves no dirt where it touches. You have advantage on saving throws to resist being pushed, pulled, knocked prone, or otherwise involuntarily moved. While your earth form is active you gain resistance to damage from nonmagical weapons, tremorsense to a range of 30 feet, and a burrow speed equal to half your Speed (leaving no tunnel behind). 

Salamander Cloak. This cloak appears to be made of living flames, though it does not burn. While your fire form is active you gain immunity to fire damage, your weapon attacks deal fire damage, when a creature hits you with a melee weapon attack it takes 1d6 fire damage, you can fit through spaces at least an inch wide without squeezing, and you gain a climb speed equal to your Speed.

Sylph Cloak. This cloak looks like iridescent dragonfly wings that appear to flutter when seen out of the corner of the eye. While your air form is active you gain a fly speed of 30 feet (hover), you do not need to breathe, you do not provoke opportunity attacks , and you can pass through spaces at least half an inch wide without squeezing.

Undine Cloak. This fine blue and green cloak always appears to be wet, yet it never drips. While your water form is active you gain resistance to fire damage, a swim speed of 60 feet, the ability to breathe water, and you can pass through space at least half an inch wide without squeezing.

Table: Transforming Cloaks
Cloak   Elemental Component Resistance Elemental Form
Gnome cloak Giant earth elemental Acid Earth form
Salamander cloak Giant fire elemental Fire Fire form
Sylph cloak Giant air elemental Lightning Air form
Undine cloak Giant water elemental Cold Water form