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Hail Storm

th tier (
(time varies)

Giant lumps of ice and other particles are falling from the sky, making travel slower and more dangerous. It might be better to wait this one out, but finding shelter in this weather is also difficult.

Possible Solutions
  • The party can make a group Constitution check to tough out the storm.
  • A Survival check enables them to find a safe place to wait out the storm, but they lose a full day of travel.

Potential Outcomes

Critical Failure: The party is pelted by the hail, taking 5 (2d4) bludgeoning damage at the end of every hour they travel. Each adventurer also suffers one level of fatigue and travel time is doubled through the storm’s area.

Failure: The adventurers are pelted by the hail, each suffering one level of fatigue.

Success: The adventurers successfully avoid being damaged by the storm.  

Critical Success: The adventurers successfully avoid the storm and also discover something useful as they fight through the dangerous weather. Roll on the Boons and Discoveries table.