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Intoxicating Brazier

th tier (
(less than 1 hour)

Scented smoke wafts from four glowing braziers.

A creature that breathes for at least 1 minute within 30 feet of a brazier triggers a Critical Failure.

Smoke. Dousing a brazier with water creates a cloud of drugged steam, resulting in an immediate Critical Failure for everyone in the area. The trap is then disabled. Using magic or some other means to extinguish a brazier without water results in a Critical Success. Leaving the area, holding one’s breath, or otherwise avoiding the smoke results in a Success. A strong wind clears the smoke for 1 minute. A creature can tip over a brazier with a Strength check, triggering a Critical Success and dealing 7 (2d6) fire damage to a creature within 5 feet of the brazier on the opposite side.

Trap. A creature can make a Medicine check to recognize the smell of godsmoke, an intoxicating and expensive incense. A creature that makes an Insight check or that pays close attention to others in the area can recognize small oddities in their behavior before the drug kicks in.

Possible Solutions
  • A creature can make a Survival check to extinguish the brazier.

Potential Outcomes

Critical Failure or Failure. The triggering creature makes a DC 10 Constitution saving throw . On a success, the creature is unaffected by the godsmoke for 10 minutes. On a failure, the creature is poisoned for 10 minutes. While poisoned in this way, the creature feels light-headed and overconfident.

Success. The creature isn’t affected by the godsmoke, and the brazier is extinguished.

Critical Success. As a Success, and the characters can retrieve a dose of unburned godsmoke incense, which is worth 100 gp.