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Disease: Coagulopathy (Tier 2)

Coagulopathy is not a sickness derived from birth, spread instead by exposure to tainted blood freely flowing from the afflicted. When a living creature is bitten by a creature that carries this disease, or when it comes into contact with blood contaminated by the disease, the creature makes a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or becomes infected. It takes 6d4 hours for coagulopathy’s symptoms to manifest in an infected creature. Symptoms include heavy external bleeding, blood in urine and stool, severe head or neck pain, repeated vomiting, difficulty walking, convulsions, and seizures.

The infected creature’s Speed is reduced by 10 feet and whenever it takes 5 or more damage, it immediately starts excessively bleeding, taking 1 ongoing damage during combat or at the end of every 10 minutes outside of combat. Sufficiently suturing and binding a wound to stop damage from this disease requires the use of a healer’s kit or a Medicine check against DC 15 + damage dealt. Any rigorous activity—moving more than its Speed during a round or engaging in combat—undoes the bandages and re-opens the wound. The ongoing damage continues until the infected creature receives magical healing or completes a short rest .

Coagulopathy can be cured using rare reagents taken from 7 plants located in areas all over Allesund. Given an hour, a creature proficient with herbalism kits can turn these reagents into one dose of medicine that when injected into the bloodstream before a long rest prevents the infected creature from excessive bleeding for 24 hours. After 2 doses the medicine cures the disease entirely.

A Quicker Cure

Although the unnatural prevalence of the disease comes to a stop when Nemirtvi is destroyed, the party may also want to discover a means to immediately help those sickened by it. After identifying the disease with a DC 14 Medicine check that can be repeated with each infected creature examined, determining a cure requires a DC 16 alchemist’s supplies check, DC 20 Culture check, DC 18 History check, or DC 17 Medicine check. Regardless of whatever skill or tool is used, the experimentation or research involved requires a day’s worth of time and cannot be done while undertaking a journey.

Aside from the seaside vine that only grows near the Festung (salted grasper) and a flower that can only be found in the Bog Roads (midnight lily), the other five plants (blueborn petals, highwater rose, nearsun chrysanthemum, reef leaf, tenclover) can be found anywhere while traveling across Allesund by an adventurer taking the Harvest journey activity. The DC for succeeding on the Harvest journey activity to find these coagulopathy cure ingredients increases by +1 for each ingredient the party has already collected.