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Warstorm psions are those who master the manipulation of objects, matter, and energy. As the moniker suggests, warstorms are particularly adept at waging war. However, some dedicate their efforts to defending a cause, while others are simply in search of self perfection, seeking worthy opponents against whom they might sharpen their skills.

3rd LevelBlaster

When you take this archetype at 3rd level, the range of your psionic blast increases to 60 feet.

3rd LevelEnergization

Additionally at 3rd level, you learn to momentarily transform matter into energy and back again. You can use a bonus action to transmute a melee weapon, piece of ammunition, natural weapon, or unarmed strike which you can see into a specific energy type of your choice, inflicting damage of the chosen type on a hit, as well as an additional effect as shown on the following table. The energy reverts to its original matter immediately after a successful hit or at the beginning of next turn, whichever comes first. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your psionic ability modifier. Your expended uses reset when you finish a long rest.

Fire. Deals an additional 1d6 fire damage and ignites flammable materials requiring an action and a free hand to put out.

Cold. Deals an additional 1d6 cold damage and delays the target’s initiative count for its next turn by a number equal to the additional cold damage done. Its initiative remains at the new value for the remainder of the encounter.

Lightning. Deals an additional 2d4 lightning damage, which increases to 3d4 lightning damage if the target is wearing metal armor and disarms a creature wielding a metal weapon if they fail a Strength saving throw vs. your psionics save DC.

Force. Deals an additional 1d4 force damage and pushes a Medium or smaller sized creature back 10 feet.

Psychic. Deals an additional 1d4 psychic damage and causes the target to suffer disadvantage on its next attack.

The damage from this feature increases by 1 die when you reach 7th, 12, and 15th level in this class.

3rd LevelWillful Endurance

Also at 3rd level, whenever you finish a long rest, you gain a number of temporary hit points equal to your psion level.

7th LevelVortex

At 7th level, you can create a vortex of wind and energy that captures creatures and objects within it. You use an action to form a vortex within 30 feet of you and direct it to move up to 30 feet. When a creature shares its space with the vortex for the first time during this movement, that creature makes a Strength saving throw. On a failure, the creature is carried inside the vortex, taking 1d6 bludgeoning damage for each 10 feet it is carried, and falls prone into the nearest unoccupied square at the end of the movement as the vortex dissipates. The vortex can carry either one Large creature, two Medium creatures, or up to four Small or smaller creatures.

Storm Quake15th Level

At 15th level, your psychic control over elemental energies can produce a force of devastating destruction. Once between long rests, you can use an action to target a point on the ground within 500 feet. You create a psychokinetic disturbance in a 50 foot radius centered on that point, and an intense tremor of force rips through the area, pummeling anything that comes in contact with it. You can channel this feature for 1 minute.

The ground in the affected area becomes difficult terrain as it warps and cracks. When you manifest this feature, each creature in the affected area must succeed at a Dexterity saving throw against your psionics save DC or take 1d6 force damage and be knocked prone. At the end of each of your turns until channeling ends, choose one of the following effects to wreak havoc within the area.

Electrical Storm. Each creature makes a Dexterity saving throw, taking 6d6 lightning damage on a failed save or half damage on a successful save.

Crushing Gravity. Each creature makes a Strength saving throw or takes 3d6 force damage and is knocked prone.

Thunderclap. Each creature makes a Constitution saving throw or takes 2d6 thunder damage and is deafened for 5 minutes.

Tremors. Each creature makes a Dexterity saving throw or or takes 4d6 bludgeoning damage and is knocked prone.