Body Swap Gas
When unrecognized creatures enter a restricted area, doors slam shut and lock to contain the intruders, and invisible gas hisses from hidden nozzles. Instead of damaging and paralyzing creatures, this peculiar trap causes creatures’ consciousness to switch bodies.
Environmental Threat. The gas acts through the skin as well as through the respiratory system. Creatures completely encased in spacesuits or hazmat suits aren’t affected by the gas.
Trap. Before the trap is triggered, the gas nozzle can be detected with a DC 16 Search or passive Perception check, allowing voidrunners to take an alternate route.
- Dealing with the gas is a group check. Engineering and hacking tool checks disable the gas, Medicine treats the gas’s effects, and Strength checks allow creatures to open doors and allow escape. Doors are objects with AC 16 and immunity to poison and psychic damage; dealing at least 20 damage to a door with a single attack or effect counts as a success.
If the crew fails the group check, the gas continues to fill the area, forcing the voidrunners to make a new group check each turn until they succeed.
Potential Outcomes
Critical Failure. Everyone in the area is affected by the gas. Each affected creature swaps consciousness with a randomly selected creature in the area. While two creatures have swapped consciousness, each player (or the Narrator, if consciousness is swapped with a NPC) controls the swapped character. Once a creature has swapped consciousness, it is unaffected by the gas for 24 hours. The gas’s effects end after one hour.
Failure. Each creature makes a DC 16 Constitution saving throw. On a failure, a creature is affected as if the crew had suffered a critical failure; on a success, the creature is unaffected.
Success. The crew disables or escapes the gas.
Critical Success. The crew disables the gas, and they find a way to add themselves to the whitelist of creatures that don’t trigger the trap.