Expanding Exosuit
A suit of animated armor destroyed while it was under the effects of the enlarge spell.
Various efforts have been made to produce powered armor in the age of revolution. First was the clunky design of the Risuri halfling Alloquicious in 500 aov, presented in the Kaybeau Arms Fair. Next came the extravagantly expensive hulk of the infamous Risuri gnome Tinker Oddcog used during Ber’s Steel Rebellion, and then there were the Danoran wayfarer’s engine walkers fielded by Sovereign Han Jierre to invade Flint near the start of the Great Eclipse. Since then, several other steamsuit pilots have crafted their own personal frames.
The Risuri colony of Kellandia’s very own arcanotechnological design as of 522 aov, however, promises to be the most reliable and affordable. While it will still take years for more than a tiny handful of soldiers to be outfitted with these exosuits, the colonial governor and the Risuri top brass are quite satisfied by their performance. This device is an extradimensional backpack full of arcanotechnological clockwork gears, wires, and hydraulic and pneumatic motors, crafted primarily of adamant and aether. The backpack can be placed within another extradimensional space without issue, and it can be used in conjunction with any other form of powered armor or steamsuit.
As a bonus action, you can push a button on the side of the backpack to deploy an exosuit of modular metallic plates around yourself and your weapons. You gain the ‘enlarge’ effect of an enlarge/reduce spell (no concentration required). Your body and your weapons do not physically expand, and your effective weight with the exosuit increases only moderately. The exosuit’s frame cannot be separately targeted. As a bonus action, you can push the button again to squeeze the exosuit back into the backpack.
The suit can remain expanded indefinitely outside of combat, but each round of combat in which you attack or are attacked depletes the exosuit’s energy. After you have spent ten rounds enlarged during combat, the suit automatically reverts and cannot be activated again for 8 hours.