Portable Wayfarer's Lantern
Lenses of polished moon glass.
This arcanotechnological lantern of adamantine and bulletproof glass is a smaller refinement of the first design of a wayfarer’s engine, which inspired all manner of planarite alchemy.
The lantern’s arcanotechnological stabilizers allow you to hang it on your hip. The lantern functions as a regular lantern, but it sheds bright light out to 15 feet and dim light out to 30 feet.
As a bonus action, you can use one hand to manipulate the lantern in one of the following ways:
* Push a button to adjust a shutter over the lantern. This can cause it to shed light in all directions (bright to 15 feet, dim to 30 feet), to function as a bullseye lantern (bright in a 60-foot cone, dim another 60 feet), or to block all light. While the lantern’s magical effects normally go through obstacles, the lantern’s shutter does block or aim the light’s effect.
* Push a button to set the lantern to indiscriminate mode, glyph-only mode, or no-glyph-only mode.
* Draw a writing implement and use it to scribe a glyph onto a small sketching surface embedded atop the lantern.
As an action, you can use one hand to draw one ounce of planarite worth 25 gp that has been processed into oil form (such as unensouled witchoil), pour it into the lantern’s special reservoir, and then push a button to activate the lantern’s most powerful function. The lantern immediately burns up the planarite, and you choose one of the following:
* Using Dreaming or Bleak Gate planarite, you form a link to that plane. The oil burns for up to five minutes, during which time the brightly-lit area overlaps with an equivalent space on the destination plane. Each creature that is illuminated by the lamp gradually transitions to the destination plane, seeing the original plane become less solid as the destination becomes more real. Once a creature has spent at least 1 continuous minute in the illuminated area, it fully transitions, and it receives no saving throw to resist this.
* The lantern burns for five minutes, and creatures and objects undergo a magical effect based on the planarite’s plane for as long as they are in the area. Certain combinations of planarite might produce particularly exotic effects. Depending on the lantern’s settings, this can affect either all creatures in the path of the light, creatures carrying a specific glyph, or creatures not carrying a specific glyph. If it affects only creatures carrying a specific glyph, while this planar light shines, only those creatures can see the lantern and its illumination. The effect varies based on the source of the planarite oil.
> The Dreaming: Vibrant, varicolored incandescence distorts memories. When the five minutes of light end, creatures that were in the light at any point must make a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, a creature forgets everything it had witnessed while within the light.
> The Bleak Gate: Like the “sun” of the Bleak Gate, this is not so much light as it is an eerie-looking devouring of darkness. If a creature that has a shadow or is made of darkness ends its turn in the light, the creature spawns a shadow that single-mindedly attacks the creature. The shadow lacks Sunlight Weakness, and has advantage on attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws. The shadow cannot exist outside of the radius of the lantern’s light, and disappears once the five minutes of oil finishes burning. Once a creature has spawned a shadow this way, it cannot spawn another shadow from the same lantern for 5 minutes.
> Vona, the Sun: Helical rays expose all that is true and suppress invisibility and illusion. Creatures and objects in the light can be observed by viewers, even viewers outside of the light, as if the viewers had true seeing with indefinite range. This light does not count as true sunlight.
> Caeloon, the Paper Wind: Soothing green shine grants hope in the hour of need. If a bloodied creature is actively participating in combat it can choose to gain a d10 expertise die on an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw. After doing so, it cannot gain the benefit again for five minutes.
> Urim, the Shattered Golden Chain: An aureate glow enforces a stalwart barrier of inertia. Creatures cannot teleport into, out of, or within the light. Creatures must spend twice as much movement as they otherwise would in order to move into, out of, or within the light.
> Jiese, the Fires of Industry: Red lantern flame bolsters cunning in all forms. Creatures gain an expertise die on Intelligence, Wisdom, Deception, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth checks.
> Ostea, the Beating Heart: Blood-red brilliance bolsters vitality. Creatures have advantage on Constitution saving throws, and they cannot fail death saving throws. When damage reduces a creature to 0 hit points, the creature can choose to go to 1 hit point; once a creature avails of this, it cannot do so again from the same lantern for 5 minutes.
> Av, the Planes of Dreams and Reflections: Pale, white refulgence grants ingress into dreamscapes. A creature can use an action to fall asleep and cast its mind into the dreamscape of a naturally-slumbering creature also within the light. This journey only lasts so long as the lantern light glows, and the nature of the dreamscape is up to the Narrator. A creature that “dies” in the dreamscape wakes up; it suffers a level of strife, but all the damage it took in the dreamscape goes away unless it was psychic damage. If the dreamer awakens, those inside the dreamscape “die” this same way.
> Amrou, the Salt Waste: Pallid light transmutes subjects into pillars of salt. If a creature ends its turn in the light, it must make a DC 18 Constitution saving throw or be petrified while it remains in the light. It can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns. Once a creature succeeds on this saving throw, it is immune to the same effect from the same lantern for 5 minutes.
> Iratha Ket, the Graveyard Revel: Bone-white refulgence inspires subjects to perform and dance. Creatures gain an expertise die on Performance checks. If a creature sings, its lyrics, however contrived, can be universally understood by any creature with a language, even if the listener is outside of the light. Creatures never provoke opportunity attacks, as they dance out of the way.
> Mavisha, the Mysterious Deep: An ocean-blue glow disrupts divinations and shrouds subjects. Creatures are under the effects of mind blank and nondetection. As an action, a creature can magically turn invisible until it attacks or casts a spell, or until its concentration ends (as if concentrating on a spell); any equipment the creature wears or carries is invisible with it. This protection, however, feels like being deep underwater, and when the five minutes end, any creature that spent at least one round in it gains one level of fatigue.
> Ascetia, the Hidden Jungle: Lush green illumination brings history to the fore. Each creature can touch another creature’s head and share a vivid memory one time during the five minutes of light.
> Teykfa, the Ticking Pendulum: A dun radiance grants an awareness of time, yet physically stretches out the seconds. Creatures know the exact time of day, down to the second. A creature that ends its turn in the light must make a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw or be slowed while it remains.
Once a creature succeeds on this saving throw, it is immune to the same effect from the same lantern for 5 minutes. Once the lantern has consumed planarite this way, it takes 8 hours for the light’s energy to fully fade. Buring planarite oil from a different plane during this time produces no magical effect.