Razorburst Weapon +3
Ten heads from the same hydra.
Weapon (battleaxe, dagger, glaive, greataxe, greatsword, halberd, handaxe, longsword, rapier, or scimitar)
Combining Drakran magic, Danoran arcanoscience, and the metallic Urim planarite called astrium, the striking surface of this arcanotechnological weapon is actually a band of jagged steel teeth that float in a silent rotation. After a solid blow, the user can push a button near the hilt to instigate a cascade of earth-elemental magic, increasing the rotation speed to a keening whirr, making it more likely to sever something vital.
You have a bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. The bonus is determined by the weapon’s rarity. If this weapon is a dagger or a rapier, it can deal slashing or piercing damage.
When you score a critical hit with this weapon, you can choose to have it affect the creature you hit as if you had used the savant trick surgical flourish (DC 18). Once the weapon has done this, it cannot do so again until the next dawn.