Shoes of Reliable Style
A dance performed by a revenant.
In a pocket of the Bleak Gate known as Iratha Ket, the dolorous gloom gives way to boisterous song. Where the Dreaming creates magic in response to idle fancy or general contrariness, it is said that in Iratha Ket you can find anything you want, but only in the service of showmanship and heightened emotion.
A rare few who managed to impress the skeletal court of that musical realm found themselves walking back to the Waking in fine footwear that gave them a dancer’s grace and vim.
While you are wearing the shoes:
* The shoes magically repair themselves if damaged.
* You can change the shoes’ size, design, coloration, and cleanliness according to your thoughts and wishes. No matter how ridiculous, the shoes prove oddly practical, though heel height is a maximum of seven inches for Medium creatures.
* You are proficient in Performance . If you are already proficient in Performance, you instead gain an expertise die .
* You never trigger floor-based pit traps and pressure plates, and the shoes magically repel caltrops and bear traps.
* As an action, you can caper and dance to draw out the shoes’ enchanting magic. You cast irresistible dance (save DC 17), except while concentrating you must use your movement to dance in your space, and you cannot use movement to leave your space. The target’s dance matches yours, but you do not suffer any of the negative effects of the spell. Once the shoes have cast irresistible dance this way, they cannot be used to do so again until the next dawn.