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Godhand Investiture

Supernatural gift, rare

Requirements: The requirements are up to the Narrator, but at minimum godhand investiture is only granted to members of the Clergy religion who are proficient with Culture and Religion, have some sort of ability to fight unarmed, and are at least 6th level.

Your unarmed strikes count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage. You can ignore incorporeal creatures’ immunity to being grappled or restrained if you grab with an unarmed strike. While you are grabbing a creature (incorporeal or otherwise), it cannot teleport or travel to other planes, such as through a succubus’s Etherealness ability. 

Additionally, you gain one Godhand Halo of your choice. Each halo grants a special power which you can use when you use a reaction. The halo’s effect is in addition to the normal effect of whatever reaction you used.

Annulus of Heaven’s Succour

This decorated metallic ring spins slowly and soothingly. The halo has three charges, which recharge daily at dawn.

Whenever you use a reaction, you can expend a charge to have yourself or an ally within 60 feet heal a number of d6s of hit points equal to your proficiency bonus. 

Alternately, when you would interact with an object you can expend a charge to teleport an object to your hand or that of an ally within 60 feet. The object must be either one you own that is within three miles of you, or an unattended object you can see.

Corona of Burning Judgment

When you are angry, this halo flickers with fire as bright as candle light. The halo has three charges, which recharge daily at dawn.

Whenever you use a reaction, you can expend a charge to have the halo sear an enemy within 60 feet of you. That creature takes a number of d6s of radiant damage equal to your proficiency bonus. When you do, the halo glows as bright as a torch for one round. For the next hour you have advantage to Insight and Intimidation checks against that creature.

Halo of Rarefied Enlightenment

With but a thought, you can cause this halo to glow with clear light as bright as a torch, as dim as a candle, or not at all. The halo has three charges, which recharge daily at dawn.

Whenever you use a reaction, you can expend a charge to have the halo flash with blinding light. Choose a creature within 60 feet. That creature must make a Constitution saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom or Charisma modifier) or be blinded until the end of the next turn of whichever creature triggered your reaction. When you use this ability, the halo sheds a sphere of bright light for 60 feet, and 60 feet of dim light beyond it, lasting for one round.

Nimbus of Gathered Courage

This halo is slightly translucent, like a cloud. The halo has three charges, which recharge daily at dawn.

Whenever you use a reaction, you can expend a charge to share your courage with an ally. Choose an ally within 60 feet to gain an inspiration die, a d6. This functions like a bardic inspiration die. While that ally is inspired, your halo expands to frame your entire physical body, and an identical halo frames your inspired ally.