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Iron Bands of Binding

Wondrous Item, Rare (cost 1000 gp)
Crafting Components

Glabrezu pincer, link from a chain devil’s chain

This smooth iron sphere conceals a formidable set of restraints that unfolds into metal bands when thrown. Once between long rests you can use an action to throw it at a creature within 60 feet, treating it as if it were a ranged weapon attack with which you are proficient. On a hit, if the creature is Huge-sized or smaller it becomes restrained until you use a bonus action to speak a different command word and release it.

A creature can try to break the bands by using an action to make a DC 20 Strength Check. On a success, the bands are broken and the restrained creature is freed. On a failure, the creature cannot try again until 24 hours have passed.