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Floating Thought

Floating Thought

Concentration ()

Grasping upon the air itself, you imbue a gust of wind with psychic energy. You are able to see and hear the world within 30 feet of the floating thought, but you are blind and deaf to your body’s surroundings for the duration. The floating thought travels with the wind and you have no control over its movement.

Surge. You can spend +1 psionic point to gain control of the floating thought’s movement, moving it up to 10 feet each turn; +2 psionic points to not be blind and deaf to your own surroundings [requires power rating IV].



Concentration ()

You can clearly see details of things at a distance as if they were nearby. Focus on a spot in the distance to which you have line of sight (in ideal environmental conditions on a planet with a breathable atmosphere line of sight can generally reach up to 3 miles). You can see as if you are standing in that spot.

Surge. You can spend +1 psionic point to target one willing creature instead.

Danger Sense

Danger Sense


As a reaction to making a saving throw against an effect you’re aware of, you gain advantage on that saving throw.



Concentration ()

The target gains truesight to a range of 60 feet.

Surge. You can spend +1 psionic point to target one willing creature within 30 feet instead; +2 psionic points to target up to 3 willing creatures within 30 feet of each other instead [requires power rating V].



Concentration ()

Choose a location within range which you have been to before. For the duration of the power, you are able to hear the events in that location as though you were there.

Surge. You can spend +1 psionic point to increase the range of this power to 1 mile.