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Concentration ()

When you attempt to move through a space one size smaller than your own, you can do so without squeezing. When attempting to slip free of ropes, shackles, or other similar restraints, or to escape a grapple, you gain advantage on ability checks and saving throws to do so.

Surge. You can spend +1 psionic point to manifest this power as a reaction to being grappled.

Boost of Speed

Boost of Speed


Until the end of your next turn, your Speed is doubled, you gain a +2 bonus to AC, you have advantage on Dexterity saving throws, attack rolls against you have disadvantage, and you gain one additional reaction. A creature cannot be targeted by this power more than once in two rounds.

Surge. You can spend +1 psionic point to target one willing creature within 30 feet instead.

Block Psionics

Block Psionics

Concentration ()

You block psionic powers which would otherwise affect you. When you are the target of a psionic power of Power Level IV or below, you may choose to have the power not affect you. This does not prevent the power affecting your surroundings or allies.

If a psionic power is already affecting you when you manifest this power, the effects are temporarily suppressed until this power ends, at which point any effects resume as normal.