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Circusfolk Cultural Gear

Circusfolk not only spend their lives traveling, but entertaining. Unfortunately, not all communities are equally-receptive to the shows they put on, and stigmas around circusfolk can sometimes escalate into dangerous situations requiring a fight or a speedy escape. Their equipment reflects this tension.


Table: Circusfolk Cultural Gear




Makeup Kit 5 gp

1/2 lb.

Sleeve sparklers 2 gp

1 lb.

Sleeve sparkler Refill (1 use) 1 sp


Speaking horn 1 gp

1 lb.

Quick-change clothing cost of both clothing sets + 20%

weight of both clothing sets -20%


Makeup Kit. This compact set of face paints and powders lets you quickly change your appearance or freshen up existing makeup between shows. In a pinch, it can be used like a disguise kit, but at a –1d4 penalty and only twice, after which point it is depleted. Alternatively, it can be used to gain an expertise die on Intimidation or Persuasion checks (chosen when you apply the makeup) made in the next hour, unless something happen to compromise your look, such as rain, physical exertion, and the like.

Sleeve Sparklers. These basic fireworks fit in a heavy leather bracer up the sleeves of the user. They can be activated as a bonus action, spraying a stream of colorful sparks for 3 rounds. You must make a DC 5 Dexterity saving throw upon activation, taking 2 points of fire damage on a failure. While the sparks are active, you gain an expertise die on Performance checks and Deception checks to distract creatures. You can also use an action to focus the sparks and ignite paper, dry straw, and other flammable substances. Finally, if the sparks are directed toward the face of a creature, it must make a DC 13 Constitution save or take 2 points of fire damage and be blinded for until the end of its next turn. The sparklers are made with a flammable metal and cannot be extinguished early without the use of magic, though they can’t be lit underwater.

Speaking Horn. This cone-shaped device is popular with ringmasters, barkers, and masters of ceremony. When shouting into this device, your voice is magnified in a 60-foot cone emanating from your space. Creatures within the cone have advantage on checks to hear you over background noise and other distractions, and your voice can be heard up to 300 feet away from your position.

Quick-Change Clothing. Useful for both quick backstage changes during performances and for giving angry locals the slip, this clothing can be quickly removed, reversed, and put back on as an action. The styles can be radically different, such as a simple farmer’s shirt on one side and fine noble’s clothing on the other. The garments do not include the jewelry necessary to pass as a noble, however. Depending on how radical the difference is, the Narrator may rule that swapping garments grants an expertise die on checks to convince creatures that have only seen you in the previous garments that you are not the same person.