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Courtier (Follower)

Courtiers are experts in body language and humanoid behavior. These educated advisors are well-versed in courtly etiquette and political intrigue, whispering in their master’s ear whether or not someone can be trusted or if they can be won over (whether with words or by gold).

Unlike other followers, you may only acquire a courtier by way of nobility. This may be from your background, the results of a campaign’s story, or because you have gained the favor of royalty.

Inexperienced. Once per day your courtier can evaluate someone you are conversing with to determine if they are lying or not, subtly messaging you cues. You gain a 1d8 expertise die on your next Insight check.

Seasoned. As inexperienced. In addition, once per day your courtier can tell whether someone can be bribed, reasoned with, or if they just want their ego stroked, granting you advantage on either a Deception check or Persuasion check.

Expert. As seasoned. In addition, once per week while in a city you can spend 1 hour with your courtier to automatically succeed on a Culture or History check.