Dungeon Delver Equipment
Item |
Cost |
Weight |
Air Bladder | 8 sp | 1 lb. |
Alchemical Corrosive Oil | 2,000 gp | - |
Alchemical Frigid Oil | 500 gp | - |
Alchemical Glaring Oil | 2,200 gp | - |
Alchemical Lifebane Oil | 600 gp | - |
Alchemical Scorching Oil | 500 gp | - |
Alchemical Shocking Oil | 400 gp | - |
Ascender/Descender | 50 gp | 3 lbs. |
Boat, Collapsible | 100 gp | 50 lbs. |
Cave Tent | 1 gp | 10 lbs. |
Luminescent Compass | 65 gp |
1/2 lb. |
Pole (10-foot), Collapsible | 1 gp | 7 lbs. |
Rope Ladder, Basic | 2 gp | 6 lbs. |
Rope Ladder, Heavy Duty | 30 gp | 6 lbs. |
Snorkel | 3 sp | - |
Spore Netting | 4 gp | 1/2 lb. |
Spring Holster | 4 gp | 1/2 lb. |
Underwater Lantern | 15 gp | 1 lb. |
Underwater Lantern, Alchemical | 30 gp | 1 lb. |
Wand Bracer | 5 gp | 1/2 lb. |
Air Bladder. An air bladder is similar to a water-skin but can hold up to 2 gallons of air when fully inflated, allowing for four breaths. It has a valve at the opening, eliminating the need for removing and replacing a cover or cap. When at least half inflated, an air bladder can also function as a flotation device, granting a creature holding it advantage on Athletics checks to avoid sinking.
Alchemical Weapon Oils. These oils can be applied to a weapon, increasing the damage the weapon deals and sometimes providing other benefits. Applying an alchemical weapon oil requires an action, and the effect lasts for 1 hour.
- Corrosive Oil. A weapon coated with this pungent green liquid deals an additional 2d6 acid damage.
- Frigid Oil. A weapon smeared with this bluish-white paste deals an additional 1d6 cold damage.
- Glaring Oil. Sometimes called "portable sunlight," this cloudy, silvery-white oil sheds bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet. A weapon treated with glaring oil deals an additional 2d6 radiant damage.
- Lifebane Oil. This viscous black liquid trails thing, mist-like tendrils of darkness at all times. A weapon coated with lifebane oil deals an additional 1d8 necrotic damage.
- Scorching Oil. This thin red oil ignites when exposed to air. A weapon coated with scorching oil deals an additional 1d6 fire damage and sheds bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet.
- Shocking Oil. This vibrant yellow oil arcs with a powerful electrical current. A weapon coated with shocking oil deals an additional 1d4 lightning damage and sheds dim light in a 20-foot radius.
Ascender/Descender. These small metal devices allow better control of ropes when climbing up (ascender) or sliding down (descender), granting a creature using them an expertise die on Athletics checks to move in the corresponding direction. Despite their similar names, ascenders and descenders work differently. Ascenders are mechanical devices that assist in climbing. Descenders are small metal loops that facilitate better control of ropes while rappelling. A creature can use only one of these devices at a time. The listed price is for a set of one of each device.
Boat, Collapsible. When deployed, this two-person boat resembles a kayak or canoe. It can hold up to 500 pounds without sinking and can fold up enough to be carried by a single humanoid. (While folded, the boat has the Bulky property; a creature can carry a number of bulky items equal to one plus its Strength modifier.) Setting up the boat (which comes with two folding paddles) or collapsing and packing it takes 20 minutes.
Cave Tent. This tent has a padded base and anchor points at the peak. It dampens sound and minimizes the vibrations produced by its occupants, which many underground predators use to hunt. Creatures sleeping or performing light activities inside the tent are invisible to tremorsense. However, a cave tent can keep out rain for only one hour before it starts to leak.
Luminescent Compass. The needled and directional markings of this compass are treated with a luminescent compound. It can be read easily in dim light or darkness .
Pole (10-foot), Collapsible. This lightweight but sturdy metal pole can telescope to a length of 10 feet but can also be locked at 3, 5, and 7 feet if desired. At its 5- and 7-foot lengths, it functions as a quarterstaff. At its 3-foot length, it functions as a club.
Rope Ladder. This collapsible ladder is made from two ropes connected to a series fo rungs, with a pair of hooks at the top to anchor it. Rope ladders are easier to climb while carrying a lot of gear and can be used by creatures who lack the strength or coordination to scale a rope. A rope ladder must hang from a solid anchor point to be useful.
Basic Rope Ladder. This rope ladder has hempen ropes and wooden rungs. It is 10 feet long when deployed and can support up to 500 pounds of weight without breaking.
Heavy-Duty Rope Ladder. This model has silk rope and metal rungs. It is 25 feet long and can support up to 750 pounds, but thanks to the lighter materials it weights as much as the 10-foot model.
Snorkel. This sturdy, angled tube allows a creature swimming beneath the surface of a body of water to breathe, provided the snorkel can poke above the water level. Snorkels are invaluable for cave swimming, where there may be pockets of air but the ceiling is too close to the water for a swimmer to position their head above the surface.
Spore Netting. Base on mosquito netting, spore netting is made from giant spider silk, allowing for an even finer weave. It can keep out toxic fungus spores as well as biting insects.
Spring Holster. This bracer-like device allows a creature to draw a very small weapon such as a dagger, shuriken, or derringer from a concealed position up the creature's sleeve. Drawing a weapon from a spring holster requires a reaction but can be done at any time.
Underwater Lantern. This sturdy metal lantern uses bioluminescent fungus in a sealable glass box to shed bright light in a 5-foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet. As long as the fungus is tended once every 7 days, it remains useful indefinitely.
Underwater Lantern, Alchemical. Using the same compounds as alchemical torches, this lantern can burn for 1 hour, shedding bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet. It can be refueled for 25 gp.
Wand Bracer. This leather bracer has several channels (the usual number is five) along the underside. Each channel is sized to hold a wand or similarly shaped item, such as a throwing dagger or an individual lockpick. Once on your turn, you can draw an item stored in the bracer without using an action or interacting with the object. Stowing an item in the bracer requires an action.