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Feats for Citified Heroes

From the most sprawling metropolises to brisk market towns, each urban settlement is a living thing. Every city has its own rhythm, a heartbeat that drives the thousands of lives, and with each rhythm comes unique peculiarities that adventurers need to deal with. Far from the remote, sometimes solitary life of the wilds, in the cities there are countless lives that can get in the way, both socially and physically, including the local watch trying to keep the peace—whatever that means for the city in question. Cities are also sources of intrigue, with well-hidden intentions and even more well-hidden knives. It takes a special kind of adventurer to navigate these complications, threats, and opportunities, and the following feats are meant for just such characters.

As always, players should make sure to consult the Narrator before deciding on a feat, as being skilled at crowds and influencing local politics will not be of much use in a campaign that focuses on exploring the wilderness.