The Haunting of Calrow Ruins
“You can hear them at night when the mist creeps in off the lakeshore, jibber-jabbering like madmen trying to form words. For years they’ve haunted me, but still I can’t fathom what it means, as if some half-formed mind yearns for the power to speak for itself…”
—Ser Paviss, Knight Overwatch of Calrow Ruins
Gibberlings infest Calrow Ruins. When the mists blow in off the shores of Lach Gwyren in the Northern part of Albia, snaking through crumbling arches and shattered barbicans, the gibberlings’ terrible wailing can be heard for miles. These leering, furry abominations are spawned from captives by an ancient brood mother lurking beneath the ruins. Once imprisoned in a magic tapestry deep within the keep, the brood mother is close to finally escaping thanks to the meddling of a vengeful lady-inwaiting. Amidst a noble feud to reclaim the ruins, the characters are faced with solving the mystery of the gibberlings.
Lady Bridgette Nydaridien wishes to clear her family’s ancestral holdings of the monstrosities, and offers the characters land as her vassals should they help her retake the ruins. Her rival, Lord Comsfor Polding, argues that Nydaridien’s family didn’t have the strength to hold the keep and so a new claimant should be allowed to stake his claim; he offers the characters great wealth should they help him retake the ruins. Whoever they side with, their actions bring them into contact with Ser Paviss, a knight who keeps lonely vigil over the keep in the name of his former lord, Lady Nydaridien’s father. Yet it is clear that something is not right about Paviss, and that more horrifying secrets lurk in Calrow Ruins than anyone could realize.
An adventure for 4-5 adventurers of 3rd level by Aaron Infante-Levy.