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Hearthenflame occurs on the night of the first new moon of winter and commemorates the bravery of Paneth, the celestial who legend holds brought knowledge of hearth and fire to mortals in direct defiance of the gods. When discovered he was transformed into a pig by the gods and then unknowingly cooked and eaten by the mortals to whom he had given the secrets.

In each settlement, a vast communal bonfire is prepared, the hollow at its center lined with oil-soaked silver birch bark. Taking on the role of Paneth, one member of each family dresses in a harlequin costume of red and yellow. Carrying a torch and a stone taken from their hearth (often carved with a family initial or symbol to make later identification easy), they march from their homes calling out the ritual chant “Hearthenflame! I bring hearthenflame!” as they travel to the bonfire.

As each arrives, they place their stone inside the pyre and form a ring around the stacked wood, holding their torches aloft. As the last of the sunlight fades from the sky, each throws their torch and the fire is lit signaling the celebrations can begin. Maintained throughout the night, the bonfire is used to cook a sacrificial pig, recalling Paneth’s punishment, though poorer communities or individual families celebrating abroad may instead burn wooden pig figurines. Communities often cook any food that cannot be stored through the winter, with generous supplies of ale and wine also typically made available. The latter is often used to toast the celestial and the gifts they gave humanity.

In the morning, as the flames are permitted to fade, each family reclaims their stone, hurrying it back home. It is said that the solidarity of the community warms the stones imbuing each with special magic, and if the stone is returned to the family hearth while still warm it will keep the deadly cold from that house all winter.

Game Mechanics

Once returned to a family hearth, the hearthenstone remains effective until it is removed, or for 1d3 + 1 months. Creatures who complete a long rest in such a building gain resistance to cold damage for the next 24 hours. Additionally, those who make a toast to Paneth during the feast gain an expertise die on their next Arcana, Culture, History, or Nature check (a creature can only gain this blessing once per year).