Memories of Holdenshire
When the adventurers awake in the catacombs below Northminster, they must unravel a mystery and escape the law! After frantic wagon chases, a wilderness journey, friendly hags, and a village fair, can they recover their memories of Holdenshire?
A starter adventure for 1st-level characters by Andrew Engelbrite, Sen. H.H.S, and Savannah Broadway, this adventure gently introduces some of Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition's new rules. You can play this adventure using the 5th Edition core rules or with Level Up.

Introduction: Memories of Holdenshire
Act I: The Cult Who Knew Too Little
- Beginning the Adventure
- Northminster Catacombs
- Wanted In Northminster
- Redwall Locations
- Fallen Hero/Time To Go
- A Brief Respite
Act II: On the Lam
Act III: Evil's True Face
- Beginning Act III
- Places of Interest
- The Summer Festival
- Party Crashers
- A Friend in Need
- Into the Barrowdeep
- The Truth Will Set You Free (What Comes Next?)
Adventure Overview =>