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The tangle of bridges is a loose and evershifting thing, a burgeoning society built from emergent intellect and ancient ancestral claims, all developing just underfoot. Trolls have always staked out their territories, vying for the best hunting grounds or hollows under the most traveled pathways. Over time these territories have become a network of lairs, communities, and markets, and the routes between them, collectively known as the Underbridge. These underground borders have little correlation to the countries and roadways above them beyond the prevalence of travelers, attentiveness of guards, and sturdiness of architecture.

Like any environment, some sections of the Underbridge are well-traveled and well-maintained, while others are difficult or impossible to traverse, due to structural damage or the presence of monsters or hostile locals. Additionally, there is rarely an efficient route from one above-ground settlement to another (and no guarantee that tunnels even exist under a given settlement), due to a given Underbridge community’s unique priorities and engineering abilities, as well as the area’s geographic and livingdangers. Overall, however, the tangle is a unique resource for anyone attempting to move covertly or to acquire anything illicit. It is trollkind’s relentless hunger that drives this trade, and great quantities of wealth, baubles, and especially food of all kinds flow below the streets—subject to tolls paid to the trolls in question, of course.

In addition to trolls and their kin, many runaways, vagabonds, and other outcasts find themselves living underbridge, often rubbing shoulders with smugglers in the dangerous but lucrative employ of ravenous troll patrons. Children are often raised communally and put to work early in life, running messages and packages below ground and serving as lookouts for collection parties above.

For those that grow up in this underground network, the world above is a dangerous place to be ventured into cautiously and only out of necessity. Like the sea to a sailor, or a forest to a hunter, the cities are where the sustenance and prosperity are drawn from before returning to the safety of home below.

Characters raised in the Underbridge culture share a variety of traits in common with one another.

A Nose for Vice. Growing up underbridge has made you familiar with illicit activity. You gain an expertise die on Investigation checks to locate or gather information about black markets and similar locations.

An Ear for Gossip. Your childhood spent in the Underbridge’s markets has given you a knack for gathering and spreading rumors. You gain an expertise die to all checks to perform the Gossip journey activity.

Underbridge Skills. You are proficient in two of the following skills: Engineering, Insight, Nature, Stealth, Survival.

Underoute Native. You gain an expertise die on checks to navigate while underground, which increases to 1d6 while you are in the Underbridge. Additionally, while you are in an urban environment (including, but not limited to, sewers, cemeteries, settlements, or ruins) or a bridge, you can ask the Narrator if the Underbridge reaches to this area. If it does, you are always able to locate a safe, hidden location to use as a haven —though it may already have occupants.

Languages. You can speak, read, write, and sign Common, Giant, and one other language.