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Villager Cultural Gear

Villagers tend to live an isolated existence, but
they have a community to rely upon rather
than just themselves. However, because the
community is small, hard work is an important
facet of daily life, with community members
each having their own critical role to play in the
survival and flourishing of the whole.


Table: Villager Cultural Gear




Cattle Horn 3 gp 3 lbs.
Food Dehydrator 10 gp 3 lbs.
Protective Apron 8 gp 5 lb.
Seahberries (one dose) 20 gp -


Cattle Horn. This sturdy horn is used to call cattle in from the pasture. Its sound is pleasing to domesticated animals and strongly associated with food and comfort for them. Blowing the horn attracts domestic cattle up to a mile away. At the Narrator’s discretion, wild animals may recognize the sound and investigate in search of easy food—either the cattle’s feed or the cattle themselves.

Food Dehydrator. This set of open-weave, stackable trays is designed to turn meat into jerky and to dry fruits and vegetables. Drying food in this way not only preserves it (turning fresh, but perishable food into Supply that can be carried) but also concentrates the flavor, making it into a satisfying and satiating experience. A food dehydrator can be used in concert with a fire to turn fresh meat, fruit, or vegetables into Supply over the course of a long rest .

Protective Apron. These heavy leather aprons are favored by smiths, veterinarians, and others doing word where getting cut, scratched, or burnt is an occupational hazard. While worn, if you would take fire damage or non-magical bludgeoning, piercing, slashing damage from a single source, that damage is reduced by 1d6 (minimum 0). Once an apron has reduced 12 points of damage, it is considered broken. The apron is heavy and cumbersome, imposing disadvantage on Acrobatics checks and Dexterity saving throws while worn.

Seahberries. These small, bitter red berries taste awful but help the body flush out toxins. Eating a handful of them as an action gives the you an immediate saving throw against the effects of any ongoing poison , which is made with an expertise die .