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Zombies are animated corpses stripped of any spirit or intelligence they bore in life. Most often, zombies are created by necromancers or other evil spellcasters, although it’s not unheard of for zombies to arise spontaneously in areas marked by profound evil or unholy energy.

Death In Action. Zombies bear whatever wounds or decay they suffered before their animation. Although the necromantic energies involved in animating a zombie greatly slow further decay, all zombies eventually molder away.



A wraith is an incorporeal spirit of pure hatred and malice. Its very existence destroys life around it. It leaves a trail of desiccated plants in its wake, and fleeing wildlife precedes its passage.



Intelligent nocturnal undead driven by their thirst for blood, vampires are obsessed with and pained by the memories of their sunlit mortal days. Most vampires are burned by sunlight, though others have different weaknesses.



Skeletons are fleshless corpses imbued by necromantic energies with a mockery of life. Most often, spellcasters create skeletons to act as guards and servants, but it’s not unheard of for skeletons to arise from cursed grounds where the living are outnumbered by the unburied dead.



Natives of the Elemental Plane of Fire, salamanders are sinuous, snake-like beings with glowing yellow eyes and beaked faces. On their home plane, they are stern mercenaries and joyless crafters, but salamanders let loose on the Material Plane become giddy and playful.