Pressure suit
Pressure suit
Pressure suits appear different depending on where they are made but they always have an airsuit and pressure helmet.
Airsuit. A suit of armor is needed to utilize this leather and alchemically-tailored slip, but once integrated it hermetically seals the wearer from the outside. While wearing a suit of armor equipped with an airsuit, you have advantage on saving throws made against pressure. A fine or masterwork airsuit does not require integration into a suit of armor to be worn.
Thick, tightly-woven sheets of silk and thin rods are carefully set into this backpack (AC 9, 6 hit points). While wearing a parachute, when you are falling you can use your reaction to pull on the ripcord to deploy it. Your rate of descent slows to 30 feet per round, and by making a DC 15 Dexterity check on your turn you can move up 5 feet horizontally for every 5 feet fallen (up to a maximum horizontal distance equal to half your Speed).
A deep purple when found growing in the wild (and quite poisonous if eaten fresh), these fantastical fungi turn dark brown when dehydrated and properly prepared for consumption. Often baked into sweet desserts and served at elegant soirées of the archfey nobles, shroomheads enhance sensory perception and emotional awareness to unnatural levels.
Packpipe petals
Packpipe petals
Plucked from rare flowers that bloom only during the winter solstice, these petals are shredded and preserved by magical means. When the prepared petals are blended with pipeleaf and smoked, imbibers experience feelings of joy, warmth, and relaxation second only to the insatiable hunger that follows.
Drunathi gel bomb
Drunathi gel bomb
This slippery fluid carries a potent electrical charge that explodes when it is rapidly re-exposed to air. You can use an action to throw this flask up to 20 feet where it shatters on impact. Make a ranged weapon attack against a creature or object, treating the drunathi gel bomb as an improvised weapon. On a hit, the target takes 1d6 ongoing lightning damage. This damage persists for 1 minute.
Diving Set
Diving Set
Diving sets come in a wide variety of shapes and forms, though all include both a face mask and bodysuit.
Bodysuit. A suit of armor is needed to utilize this leather and aquatic animal hide slip, but once integrated it hermetically seals the wearer from the outside. While wearing a suit of armor equipped with a bodysuit, you gain resistance to cold damage while underwater and advantage on saving throws made against pressure. A fine or masterwork bodysuit does not require integration into a suit of armor to be worn.
Air Safe
Air Safe
This airtight 1-foot diameter metallic sphere is able to withstand pressures of up to 15,000 feet without rupture or collapse. While you are at a depth of 5,000 feet or less, you can use a bonus action to press the air safe’s valve against your mouth and breathe from it. When at a depth between 5,001 feet and 11,000 feet, breathing from the air safe requires an action. Between depths of 11,001 and 15,000 feet the air safe’s valve only functions with a DC 13 Strength check and a DC 12 Dexterity check is needed to successfully breathe from it.