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-level (

You contact your deity, a divine proxy, or a personified source of divine power and ask up to 3 questions that could be answered with a yes or a no. You must complete your questions before the spell ends. You receive a correct answer for each question, unless the being does not know. When the being does not know, you receive “unclear” as an answer. The being does not try to deceive, and the Narrator may offer a short phrase as an answer if necessary.

This spell may be cast as a ritual

Comprehend Languages

Comprehend Languages

-level (

You gain a +10 bonus on Insight checks made to understand the meaning of any spoken language that you hear, or any written language that you can touch. Typically interpreting an unknown language is a DC 20 check, but the Narrator may use DC 15 for a language closely related to one you know, DC 25 for a language that is particularly unfamiliar or ancient, or DC 30 for a lost or dead language. This spell doesn’t uncover secret messages or decode cyphers, and it does not assist in uncovering lies.

This spell may be cast as a ritual

Cone of Cold

Cone of Cold

-level (

Frigid cold blasts from your hands. Each creature in the area takes 8d8 cold damage. Creatures killed by this spell become frozen statues until they thaw.



-level (

You assault the minds of your targets, filling them with delusions and making them

Conjure Elemental

Conjure Elemental

-level (

You summon a creature from the Elemental Planes. This creature uses the statistics of a conjured elemental creature (detailed below) with certain traits determined by your choice of its type: air, earth, fire, or water.

The creature is friendly to you and your companions and takes its turn immediately after yours. It obeys your verbal commands. Without such commands, the creature only defends itself.



-level (

As part of this spell, cast a spell of 5th-level or lower that has a casting time of 1 action, expending spell slots for both. The second spell must target you, and doesn’t target others even if it normally would.

Continual Flame

Continual Flame

-level (

A magical torch-like flame springs forth from the target. The flame creates no heat, doesn’t consume oxygen, and can’t be extinguished, but it can be covered.

Control Water

Control Water

-level (

Water inside the area is yours to command. On the round you cast it, and as an action on subsequent turns until the spell ends, you can choose one of the following effects. When you choose a different effect, the current one ends.