The target’s balance becomes unsteady.
You attempt to disorient a creature.
Fatigued Bargain
Fatigued Bargain
Your magic suppresses a creature’s inhibitions, urging out its own self-destructive strength.
Identify Weapon
Identify Weapon
While casting this spell, you touch a wound on a creature or corpse.
Altered Strike
Altered Strike
You briefly transform your weapon or fist into another material and strike with it, making a melee weapon attack against a target within your reach.
Chill Touch
Chill Touch
You reach out with a spectral hand that carries the chill of death.
Color Spray
Color Spray
A blast of dazzling multicolored light flashes from your hand to blind your targets until the start of your next turn.
You only require line of sight to the target (not line of effect). On its next turn the target follows a one-word command of your choosing. The spell fails if the target is undead, if it does not understand your command, or if the command is immediately harmful to it.
Below are example commands, but at the Narrator’s discretion you may give any one-word command.
Approach | Come | Here: The target uses its action to take the Dash action and move toward you by the shortest route, ending its turn if it reaches within 5 feet of you.
Once before the start of your next turn, when you make a Charisma ability check against the target, you gain an expertise die. If you roll a 1 on the ability or skill check, the target realizes its judgment was influenced by magic and may become hostile.
Guiding Bolt
Guiding Bolt
A bolt of light erupts from your hand.