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Deadly Beckoning

Deadly Beckoning

-level (

Until the spell ends, the target is charmed by you and friendly towards you. The spell ends if you or your companions do anything harmful towards the target. While charmed in this way, the target must move in as direct of a path as it can toward you on its turn. Once it is within reach, you can touch the target on your turn, dealing 6d10 psychic damage to it and ending the spell.

Enervating Light

Enervating Light

-level (

You conjure a mote of sickly light at a point within range.

Draining Nova

Draining Nova

-level (

Creatures in the area make a Constitution

Consume Vigor

Consume Vigor

-level (

You rend the lifeforce from a creature to sustain yourself. The target of this spell takes 6d8 necrotic damage.

Resplendent Refraction

Resplendent Refraction

-level (

The target’s skin becomes reflective and faceted like a finely cut gemstone. Until the spell ends, the target can use their action to fire a beam of reflected light in a 30-foot line.

Thunder Bolt

Thunder Bolt

-level (

A peal of thunder ripples from a point you can see within range.

Arcane Mirror

Arcane Mirror

-level (

You choose a mirror you’ve seen on the same plane of existence as you. You create a scrying sensor inside that mirror. You can instead name an area, such as a specific building or city: you create a scrying sensor inside a random mirror within that area. If there is no mirror in the area, the spell fails.

Awaken Portal

Awaken Portal

-level (

You impart sentience to a door, window, gate, lid, or other object that can be opened, closed, and locked. You grant it an Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma of 10. The door retains its hit points, AC, and other characteristics, and is considered an object. If the door is reduced to 0 hit points, it is killed and the spell ends.

Fertilize Field

Fertilize Field

-level (

You bless the ground to accommodate a specific crop in a 130-foot square area. The soil alters its composition to become ideal for that specific plant, purging contaminants (such as salt or other undesirable minerals), instantly decomposing any bodies lying in its soil down to a depth of 5 feet, and dispelling curses of up to 4th level. For a year and a day, plants of the type specified at the casting of the spell produce 50% more yield than they normally would, potentially increasing the income of a farm if properly harvested.



-level (

You touch the target and mark it with a glyph that acts as a scrying sensor. The glyph is visible and resembles a one-inch-tall drawing of an ear. The sensor can be covered or concealed without changing the function of the spell. A creature can wipe it away as an action, ending the spell. You can only have one such sensor active at once.