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Find Traps

Find Traps

-level (

This spell reveals whether there is at least one trap within range and within line of sight. You don’t learn the number, location, or kind of traps detected. For the purpose of this spell, a trap is a hidden mechanical device or magical effect which is designed to harm you or put you in danger, such as a pit trap, symbol spell, or alarm bell on a door, but not a natural hazard.

Flame Blade

Flame Blade

-level (

A scimitar-shaped blade of fire appears in your hand, lasting for the duration. It disappears if you drop it, but you can use a bonus action to recall it.

Flaming Sphere

Flaming Sphere

-level (

A 5-foot-diameter sphere of fire appears within range, lasting for the duration.



-level (

You bestow a glamor upon a creature that highlights its physique to show a stunning idealized form. For the spell’s duration, the target adds both its Strength modifier and Charisma modifier to any Charisma checks it makes.

Force of Will

Force of Will

-level (

Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take in response to being damaged

Gentle Repose

Gentle Repose

-level (

The target can’t become undead and doesn’t decay. Days spent under the influence of this spell don’t count towards the time limit of spells which raise the dead.

This spell may be cast as a ritual

Gust of Wind

Gust of Wind

-level (

Area: Line 60 feet long and 10 feet wide

Heat Metal

Heat Metal

-level (

The target becomes oven hot. Any creature touching the target takes 2d8 fire damage when the spell is cast. Until the spell ends, on subsequent turns you can use a bonus action to inflict the same damage.

Invigorated Strikes

Invigorated Strikes

-level (

You allow long-forgotten fighting instincts to boil up to the surface. For the duration of the spell, whenever the target deals damage with an unarmed strike or natural weapon, it deals 1d4 extra damage.