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Phantom Steed

Phantom Steed

-level (

You create an illusory Large creature with an appearance determined by you that comes into being with all the necessary equipment needed to use it as a mount. This equipment vanishes when more than 10 feet away from the creature. 

You or any creature you allow may ride the steed, which uses the statistics for a riding horse but has a Speed of 100 feet and travels at 10 miles per hour at a steady pace (13 miles per hour at a fast pace). 

This spell may be cast as a ritual

Plant Growth

Plant Growth

-level (

Area: 100-foot radius (rapid) or half-mile radius (enlarged)

You channel vitality into vegetation to achieve one of the following effects, chosen when casting the spell.

Enlarged: Plants in the area are greatly enriched. Any harvests of the affected plants provide twice as much food as normal.

Poison Skin

Poison Skin

-level (

The target becomes poisonous to the touch.



-level (

The target returns to life with 1 hit point. The spell does not restore any missing body parts and cannot return to life a creature that died of old age.



-level (

You send a message of 25 words or less to the target. It recognizes you as the sender and can reply immediately in kind. The message travels across any distance and into other planes of existence. If the target is on a different plane of existence than you, there is a 5% chance it doesn’t receive your message. A target with an Intelligence score of at least 1 understands your message as you intend it (whether you share a language or not).



-level (

You alter the flow of time around your targets and they become slowed.

Speak with Dead

Speak with Dead

-level (

You call forth the target’s memories, animating it enough to answer 5 questions. The corpse’s knowledge is limited: it knows only what it knew in life and cannot learn new information or speak about anything that has occurred since its death. It speaks only in the languages it knew, and is under no compulsion to offer a truthful answer if it has reason not to. Answers might be brief, cryptic, or repetitive.

This spell does not return a departed soul, nor does it have any effect on an undead corpse, or one without a mouth.

Speak with Plants

Speak with Plants

-level (

Your voice takes on a magical timbre, awakening the targets to limited sentience. Until the spell ends, the targets can communicate with you and follow simple commands, telling you about recent events including creatures that have passed, weather, and nearby locations.

Spirit Guardians

Spirit Guardians

-level (

You call down spirits of divine fury, filling the area with flitting spectral forms. You choose the form taken by the spirits.

Creatures of your choice halve their Speed while in the area. When a creature enters the area for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there, it takes 3d6 radiant or necrotic damage (your choice).