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Detect Thoughts

Detect Thoughts

-level (

Range: Special (30-foot radius)

Dimension Door

Dimension Door

-level (

Range: Special (500 feet)

You teleport to any place you can see, visualize, or describe by stating distance and direction such as 200 feet straight downward or 400 feet upward at a 30-degree angle to the southeast.

You can bring along objects if their weight doesn’t exceed what you can carry. You can also bring one willing creature of your size or smaller, provided it isn’t carrying gear beyond its carrying capacity and is within 5 feet.



-level (

Until the spell ends, you manipulate the dreams of another creature. You designate a messenger, which may be you or a willing creature you touch, to enter a trance. The messenger remains aware of its surroundings while in the trance but cannot take actions or move.



-level (

Range: Special (500 feet)

You create a seismic disturbance in the spell’s area. Until the spell ends, an intense tremor rips through the ground and shakes anything in contact with it.



-level (

Range: Special (100 miles)

You cause a message in Druidic to appear on a tree or plant within range which you have seen before. You can cast the spell again to erase the message.


Hallucinatory Terrain

Hallucinatory Terrain

-level (

Range: Special (300 feet)

You weave a veil over the natural terrain within the area, making it look, sound, or smell like another sort of terrain. A small lake could be made to look like a grassy glade. A path or trail could be made to look like an impassable swamp. A cliff face could even appear as a gentle slope or seem to extend further than it does. This spell does not affect any manufactured structures, equipment, or creatures.

Ice Storm

Ice Storm

-level (

Range: Special (300 feet)

Area: 20-foot radius cylinder that is 40 feet high

Insect Plague

Insect Plague

-level (

Range: Special (300 feet)

Locate Animals or Plants

Locate Animals or Plants

-level (

Range: Special (5-mile radius)

Name or describe in detail a specific kind of beast or plant. The natural magics in range reveal the closest example of the target within 5 miles, including its general direction (north, west, southeast, and so on) and how many miles away it currently is.


This spell may be cast as a ritual