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Photochemical camera

Photochemical camera

This tripod mounted device has an aperture to keep out light until a picture is ready to be recorded. A treated photochemical plate is slid into the camera and the aperture is opened for about a minute, or longer in dimmer conditions. Exposure to light in the presence of a certain gas causes the image to set on the plate, and a quick saline rinse ensures the image will not develop further if exposed to more light. These photographs are popular among the lower classes, who cannot afford proper portrait paintings.

Pocket watch

Pocket watch

In addition to telling time, a pocket watch deters the attention of minor fey. Watches will occasionally stop, skip, or run backward in the presence of powerful fey creatures.



Designed for working in factories or laboratories with searing chemicals or embers, these goggles are atrocious for peripheral vision. They’re also handy for airship crew. While wearing them, you have advantage on saving throws to resist effects that would blind you.



Thick, tightly-woven sheets of silk and thin rods are carefully set into this backpack (AC 9, 6 hit points). While wearing a parachute, when you are falling you can use your reaction to pull on the ripcord to deploy it. Your rate of descent slows to 30 feet per round, and by making a DC 15 Dexterity check on your turn you can move up 5 feet horizontally for every 5 feet fallen (up to a maximum horizontal distance equal to half your Speed).



A sharpening stone used for knives and other cutting tools.



This durable device provides tactical mobility without requiring use of the legs. While mounted on a wheelchair you are considered to be wearing the wheelchair as a piece of gear. The wheelchair is mechanically complex, and can ascend stairs and ramps slowly, or provide a boost of speed on the descent. You have a movement speed of 30 feet while mounted on a wheelchair and treat inclines and stairs as difficult terrain, but while moving down slopes, stairs, or other significant declines you may take the Dash action as a bonus action.

Travel enclosure (Small)

Travel enclosure (Small)

This fine wire mesh bag is reinforced with metal beams, making a durable but flexible enclosure. Creatures of an appropriate size can comfortably reside within the enclosure if provided with some appropriate substrate (soft bedding for rodents, loamy soil for toads, and so on).

Up to 3 Tiny creatures or a single Small creature residing with the enclosure have total cover while inside it and automatically succeed on saving throws to resist area effects.

Travel enclosure (Tiny)

Travel enclosure (Tiny)

This fine wire mesh bag is reinforced with metal beams, making a durable but flexible enclosure. Creatures of an appropriate size can comfortably reside within the enclosure if provided with some appropriate substrate (soft bedding for rodents, loamy soil for toads, and so on).

A single Tiny creature residing within the enclosure has total cover while inside it and automatically succeeds on saving throws to resist area effects.



This small container holds flint, fire steel, and tinder (usually dry cloth soaked in light oil) used to kindle a fire. Using it to light a torch—or anything else with abundant, exposed fuel—takes an action. Lighting any other fire takes 1 minute.