Burning Hands
Burning Hands
A thin sheet of flames shoots forth from your outstretched hands. Each creature in the area takes 3d6 fire damage. The fire ignites any flammable unattended objects in the area.
Color Spray
Color Spray
A blast of dazzling multicolored light flashes from your hand to blind your targets until the start of your next turn.
Cone of Cold
Cone of Cold
Frigid cold blasts from your hands. Each creature in the area takes 8d8 cold damage. Creatures killed by this spell become frozen statues until they thaw.
You project a phantasmal image into the minds of each creature in the area showing them what they fear most.
Prismatic Spray
Prismatic Spray
You unleash 8 rays of light, each with a different purpose and effect. For each target in the area, roll a d8 to determine the ray that affects it.
1—Red: The target takes 10d6 fire damage.
2—Orange: The target takes 10d6 acid damage.
3—Yellow: The target takes 10d6 lightning damage.
4—Green: The target takes 10d6 poison damage.
5—Blue: The target takes 10d6 cold damage.
Searing Equation
Searing Equation
You briefly go into a magical trance and whisper an alien equation which you never fully remember once the spell is complete.