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Hooked Hammer

Hooked Hammer

(Gnomish) This uses the statistics of a small



(Chinese) A curved broadsword that uses the statistics of a



(Scottish) This cross-hilted weapon uses the statistics of a

Butterfly sword

Butterfly sword

(Chinese) These use the statistics of shortswords, and are usually wielded in pairs. They have the dual-wielding property.

Mercurial maul

Mercurial maul

The liquid metal inside of the shaft and head of this weapon makes it difficult to wield but all the deadlier in expert hands. The minimum result on a damage die rolled with this weapon is a 2.

Sword pistol

Sword pistol

When this weapon is used to hit a target with a melee weapon attack, you can use your reaction to fire the gun in the handle, gaining a 1d6 expertise die on an immediate ranged weapon attack against the same target.

Double weapon

Double weapon

Wielded not unlike a quarterstaff, each side of this weapon has a blade, weighted head, or other injurious implement. Most double weapons are two-bladed swords or double-axes, but there have been gnome warriors known to wield hooked hammers and elvish clades specialized in swordspears. Double weapons use the statistics for whichever weapon is used to attack and are considered to have the dual-wielding and parrying properties.

Ring blade

Ring blade

This metal hoop has sharpened edges that make it deadly whether thrown or used in hand. It costs only 1 exertion point to use the Ricochet combat maneuver with this weapon. In addition, when you throw this weapon, you may make the attack with disadvantage, and on a hit it returns to your hand.

Boot dagger

Boot dagger

At a glance this item seems to be perfectly typical, but it conceals a spring-loaded blade deployed by pressing a switch when it is used to make an attack. A creature observing it only realizes that the item is a weapon with a DC 15 Investigation check (made with disadvantage if the weapon is being worn at the time and not deployed). Once deployed, a bonus action is required to resheathe the blade. You gain an expertise die on your attack roll when you deploy this weapon as part of an attack against a target that is unaware you have it.