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Grasping Gauntlet

Grasping Gauntlet

( points)

Choose a creature of no more than one size category larger than you that is within 30 feet.



( points)

When you use this ability, choose an adjacent square.

Arcane Dismissal

Arcane Dismissal

( points)

Choose up to three creatures within your reach to make Strength

Warding Flourish

Warding Flourish

( points)

Choose an ally within 15 feet that you can see. As long as that ally stays within 15 feet of you, they increase their AC by 2. You can only ward one creature at a time, and cannot use this ward on yourself. This effect ends if you can no longer take actions.

Frigid Strike

Frigid Strike

( points)

With a shivering whisper of clouding breath, you strike at your target and shift the chill onto them.

Make a melee weapon attack. If you deal damage, your target’s Speed is reduced by 15 feet until the end of your next turn.

Bounding Charge

Bounding Charge

( points)

If you have Extra Attack, you may use this maneuver in place of one attack. You command your animal companion to move up to its base movement speed in a straight line toward a creature. If your animal companion ends this movement within melee range, it makes one attack against that creature. Your animal companion cannot take the Dash action and this maneuver on the same turn.

Tsunami Dash

Tsunami Dash

( points)

You sprint through your enemies, striking at every one you pass.

You take the Dash action. During your turn, any time you become adjacent to a creature, you can make a melee attack against it using a weapon that has the dual-wielding or finesse properties. 

You cannot attack the same creature twice in a row in this manner or make more attacks than your proficiency bonus.