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Cobra’s Spit

Cobra’s Spit

-level (

Until the spell ends, you can use an action to spit venom, making a ranged spell attack at a creature or object within 30 feet.

Commune with Nature

Commune with Nature

-level (

Until the spell ends, your spirit bonds with that of nature and you learn about the surrounding land. When cast outdoors the spell reaches 3 miles around you, and in natural underground settings it reaches only 300 feet. The spell fails if you are in a heavily constructed area, such as a dungeon or town.

You learn up to 3 facts of your choice about the surrounding Region:

This spell may be cast as a ritual



-level (

You assault the minds of your targets, filling them with delusions and making them

Conjure Animals

Conjure Animals

-level (

You summon forth the spirit of a beast that takes the physical form of your choosing in unoccupied spaces you can see. 

Choose one of the following:

Conjure Elemental

Conjure Elemental

-level (

You summon a creature from the Elemental Planes. This creature uses the statistics of a conjured elemental creature (detailed below) with certain traits determined by your choice of its type: air, earth, fire, or water.

The creature is friendly to you and your companions and takes its turn immediately after yours. It obeys your verbal commands. Without such commands, the creature only defends itself.

Conjure Fey

Conjure Fey

-level (

You summon a creature from the Dreaming. This creature uses the statistics of a fey creature (detailed below) with certain traits determined by your choice of its type: hag, hound, or redcap

The creature is friendly to you and your companions and takes its turn immediately after yours. It obeys your verbal commands. Without such commands, the creature only defends itself.

Conjure Minor Elementals

Conjure Minor Elementals

-level (

You summon up to 3 creatures from the Elemental Planes. These creatures use the statistics of a minor elemental with certain traits determined by your choice of its type: air, earth, fire, or water.



-level (

Your touch inflicts a hideous disease. Make a melee spell attack. On a hit, you afflict the target with a disease chosen from the list below.

Control Water

Control Water

-level (

Water inside the area is yours to command. On the round you cast it, and as an action on subsequent turns until the spell ends, you can choose one of the following effects. When you choose a different effect, the current one ends.