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Deep Dwarf Equipment

Like the people that created it, deep dwarf equipment focuses on resilience and determination in the face of overwhelming odds.

Table: Deep Dwarf Equipment




All-Purpose Pick 20 gp 6 lbs.
Folding Armor 3,000 gp 70 lbs.
Stone of Resolve 50 gp -


All-Purpose Pick. The pick is obviously well-made, but the shape of its head and handle are a bit unusual. The wielder can treat the pick as a war pick or a miner's pick as they choose.

Folding Armor. This finely made plate armor is designed to work in conjunction with the wearer's size-altering magic. If the wearer is subjected to the enlarge effect of an enlarge/reduce spell, in addition to altering its size, the armor deploys vicious spikes concealed in the unfolding mechanisms, gaining an improved version of the Spiked property: a creature that begins its turn grappling or grappled by the wearer takes 1d4 piercing damage.
If the wearer is subjected to the reduce effect of an enlarge/reduce spell, the armor instead folds in on itself, reinforcing the vulnerable areas and raising its AC bonus by 1.

Stone of Resolve. This brittle, cloudy orange crystal is found only the deepest mines, but it is widely coveted for its mind-stabilizing properties. A creature can use an action to crush the crystal and inhale the dust, gaining advantage on saving throws against fear for 1 minute.