Monster Hunter
Fantastic Fletcher
Monster Hunter
Skilled Survivalist
Tenebrous Stalker
Sometimes looked upon with scorn and other times with awe, monster hunters pit their skills against the toughest, most impressive creatures they can find. Those who hunt horrible things like aberrations and fiends receive adulation, but a monster hunter with a unicorn horn at their belt finds only infamy.
Monster Lore
At 3rd level, you have put in the research time to know your enemies. You gain proficiency in Arcana, History, Nature, or Religion. In addition, whenever you would make a skill check to learn legends and lore about a monster, you gain an expertise die on the check. You also gain proficiency with alchemist’s supplies and can always use Wisdom on rolls with it.
Trophy Taker
Additionally at 3rd level, you gain the ability to harvest trophies from slain creatures and utilize them to your benefit. Depending on the creature type, trophies can take many forms, but are usually part of its natural weapons (teeth, horns, claws, tentacles, vines) or prominent features (clockwork gears, feathers, energy motes, vials of ooze). As long as you have access to alchemist’s supplies, over the course of a long rest you can treat the trophy with special reagents and affix it to a weapon or piece of armor, granting you special benefits against the creature type as long as it is prominently displayed. Only one trophy can be affixed per long rest , though removing one only requires an action. Trophies can be removed and later reafixed, though the process still requires a long rest.
Multiple trophies of the same type on the same piece of equipment have no additional effect. Depending on the nature of the creature, taking a trophy from it may be considered an evil act; you cannot collect such trophies from humanoid creatures. You may benefit from a total number of trophies equal to your Wisdom modifier. Creatures other than yourself cannot benefit from a trophy. Benefiting from a trophy gives you an expertise die to Intimidation checks made against creatures of the corresponding type. At the Narrator’s discretion, certain trophies may give you an expertise die on checks involving enemies of that creature type, such as with an angel while benefiting from a fiend trophy. However, the inverse is also likely to be true in other situations.
If you affix a trophy to a weapon, gain an expertise die to attack rolls with this weapon made against a creature of the corresponding type. Weapons can only have 1 trophy affixed at a time.
If you affix a trophy to armor, gain an expertise die to your AC against weapon attacks from a creature of the corresponding type while you are wearing it. Armor can have up to 2 trophies affixed to it at a time. Trophies affixed to shields count towards this maximum.
At 7th level, the expertise die granted by a trophy increases to 1d6.
At 15th level, you can now affix 2 trophies to a single weapon and 3 to armor. This does not increase the number of trophies you can benefit from.
A trophy must come from a creature of a CR no lower than your level – 2. When you gain a level, any trophies below this threshold lose their potency, though they can still be used as crafting ingredients or a dose of creature parts.
Alchemic Preparedness
At 7th level, as long as you have access to an alchemy kit you can utilize at least one dose of appropriate creature parts (page 348, Trials and Treasures) to create special potions over the course of a long rest (as long as you are not using your long rest to use your Trophy Taker feature). Such potions grant you resistance to a specific energy type. You may only brew a number of potions per long rest equal to your Wisdom modifier, and the utilized creature parts must come from a creature that is both of a CR equal to or less than half your level and immune or resistant to the type of damage you wish to protect against. If a creature has multiple resistances or immunities, you must choose one at creation.
One dose of creature parts provides enough material to craft a single potion; multiple doses have no additional effect. You may craft any of the potions on the table below as long as your proficiency bonus is equal to or greater than the listed proficiency bonus. This protection lasts a number of hours equal to the creature’s CR if the creature was resistant to the damage type, or double the duration if it was immune. Drinking multiple potions of the same kind has no effect, and creatures other than you that consume the potions are unaffected; both actions waste the potion.
Potions created in this way lose their efficacy at the beginning of your next long rest and must be rebrewed to be useful again. This still requires brewing over the course of a long rest and counts towards the total amount of potions you can make, but does not require an additional dose of creature parts.
Proficiency Bonus +3: Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing from non-magical weapons, Poison
Proficiency Bonus +4: Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, Thunder
Proficiency Bonus +5: Necrotic, Radiant
Proficiency Bonus +6: Force, Psychic
Well-Honed Mind
At 11th level you gain proficiency in your choice of Intelligence or Charisma saving throws .
Unstoppable Hunter
At 15th level, you gain the Unstoppable combat maneuver. It does not count against your number of maneuvers known and only costs 2 exertion to use. Additionally, if the creature whose effect you are preventing is of the same type as a trophy you are benefiting from, this maneuver is free to use once per combat.