Arcane Officer
Concordant Commander
Expedition Leader
Gambling General
Knight Commander
Sea Scourge
Swift Strategist
Talented Tactician
War Falconer
Mountainous regions and fortress towns are where the wallriders can be found, their mastery over the vertical put to its most practical uses defending parapets, traversing cliffsides, and stalking along the ceilings of caves.
Small Only. The unusual demands of these archetypes require adventurers of Small size—the techniques are impossible without both a rider and a mount of diminutive stature. At the Narrator’s discretion a PC of Medium size may be able to select one of these archetypes (using a more suitable Large-sized beast that otherwise follows the requirements of Unusual Mount), but they are not intended for such adventurers.
Unusual Climbing Mount
When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you gain the Unusual Mount feature and become the mounted guardian of a giant wolf spider .
Protective Presence
Also at 3rd level, while within range of your Commanding Presence, your unusual mount reduces any damage it takes by an amount equal to half your marshal level (after calculating any damage resistance ).
Rigorous Resolve
Beginning at 7th level, your unusual mount gains a number of temporary hit points equal to twice your marshal level at the end of a long rest .
Vertical Support 
Also at 7th level, your unusual mount can become an anchor that carries a number of not-incapacitated Medium or smaller creatures equal to half your proficiency bonus on a rope without reducing its climbing speed (quadrupedal creatures may need to be secured by another creature as an action), as long as the additional passengers do not exceed its carrying capacity (including yourself and any gear); otherwise it is encumbered as usual. By spending 1 exertion per additional creature, your mount can carry an additional Medium creature (up to a maximum equal to its Strength modifier) in this way for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier. Due to size constraints, a rope can only hold two creatures for each 5 feet of length.
When you reach 13th level, your mount combines your Strength score with its own to determine its carrying capacity. In addition, your unusual mount uses the modifier of this combined Strength score to determine how many additional creatures it can carry through spending exertion to use its Rappelling Riders feature.
Helpful Handholds
At 11th level, while traversing a wall or ceiling, you can use a bonus action to assist your mount in making impressions that others can use to follow. When you are riding your unusual mount and climbing, you can leave behind handholds that grant a 1d8 expertise die on Athletics checks made to climb. While making these handholds, your mount’s climb speed is halved.
Exceptional Endurance
At 15th level, when your unusual mount is reduced to 0 hit points within range of your Commanding Presence, but not killed outright, it can drop to 1 hit point instead. Once you have used this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest .
Banner Bearer
At 18th level, the figure you and your unusual mount cut has become a rallying point for your allies. As long as you are riding your unusual mount, you count your Commanding Presence as being 5 feet larger and your Dauntless class feature also grants advantage on [[saving throw|saving throws against spells and effects that cause the confused or slowed conditions. Finally, as long as you make your speech from atop your unusual mount, a creature encouraged by Rouse the Troops can remove an additional level of fatigue or strife before finishing a long rest, as long as it spends at least 2 Hit Die.