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Blinkwitch druids are inspired by fey culture and the wild, unpredictable nature of the Dreaming itself. Convinced that only through chaos can the natural world achieve true balance, their druidic circles study aspects of innate fey magic. Often as mischievous as the fey they emulate, blinkwitches have a great capacity to sow mayhem and havoc wherever they go—and their abilities allow them to go nearly anywhere!

Level 2Blink Bond

At 2nd level you learn the Blink Dog language and can summon a blink dog as a familiar using your Nature’s Bond class feature. A blink dog summoned in this way disappears after a number of hours equal to your druid level.

Level 2Fey Familiarity

When you take this archetype at 2nd level, the lore of the fey sinks into your bones. You learn Sylvan if you do not already know it, become proficient in Arcana, and gain the fey skill specialty. You also become proficient in Nature and gain its fey speciality as well. If you already have proficiency with either of these skills, you instead gain an expertise die . Additionally, you can always choose to use Wisdom when making an Arcana or Nature check. Finally, you gain an expertise die on saving throws to avoid the charmed or poisoned conditions.

6th LevelFaerie Knacks

At 6th level, you learn further secrets of fey magic. Choose one of the following options.

Blink Step

You learn the misty step spell. It is always prepared and is considered a druid spell for you. Additionally, you can cast it without expending a spell slot a number of times per day equal to your proficiency bonus, regaining all spent uses on a long rest .

Faerie Spells

Your time studying the fey has given you access to new magics. When you first gain this feature, select 3 spells of a level you can cast from the chaos, movement, obscurement, or teleportation schools as your faerie spells. You may select up to two additional spells from those schools at your 7th, 9th, and 11th druid levels. You always have your faerie spells prepared and they don’t count against the number of spells you can prepare each day. If you select a spell that doesn’t appear on the druid spell list, the spell is a druid spell for you.

Spritely Step

You can draw on fey magic to give you an extra boost of speed. As an action, you can increase your speed as though using the expeditious retreat spell. You can do so a number of times equal to your proficiency modifier, regaining all uses after a long rest . In addition, you gain proficiency with Acrobatics and Stealth. If you already have proficiency with either of these skills, you instead gain an expertise die .

10th LevelFaerie Knight Knacks

At 10th level you have uncovered still more secrets of the Dreaming.


You learn the blink spell. It is always prepared and is considered a druid spell for you. Twice per long rest you can cast it without expending a spell slot.

Dance of Mirrors

Prerequisite: Spritely Step

Your mastery of movement improves. When you use your Spritely Step feature, you can instead create doubles of yourself as per the mirror image spell.

Fade Out

Whenever you teleport using either a spell or feature, you can choose to be invisible when you arrive at your destination. This invisibility requires concentration like a spell. When teleporting other creatures, you can decide if they are invisible upon arrival. Anything you or those you teleport are carrying or wearing is also invisible as long as it remains in your or their possession. The invisibility lasts for 10 minutes or ends early for a creature that attacks or casts a spell.

14th LevelFaerie Noble Knacks

At 14th level your mastery of the Dreaming’s tricks is rivaled only by the mightiest and most cunning of fey. You gain an additional Faerie Knack or Faerie Knight Knack that you haven’t previously selected, and your choice of one of the following:

Planar Gatekeeper

You learn the planeshift spell. You always have it prepared and it is considered a druid spell for you. In addition, once per long rest you can cast planeshift to transport or banish creatures to or from the Dreaming without spending a spell slot.

Step of Dimensions

Prerequisite: Dance of Mirrors

Your movement can now take you further than ever. When you use your Spritely Step feature, you can instead teleport as though using the dimension door spell.

Wake of Confusion

You always have the confusion spell prepared and it doesn’t count against the number of spells you can prepare each day. Whenever you cast a spell or use a feature to teleport, you can choose to also cast confusion as part of the same action, expending a spell slot as usual, centered on the spot from which you teleported. Once per day you can do so without expending a spell slot.