Scrap Crafter
Synaptic Surgeon
Some artificers, after a stressful day in the lab, just want to punch things. Others decide to do it as a profession. There are unexpected side-effects to such studies, though, and these artificers eventually find themselves changed.
Arcano-Pugilist Spells
Starting at 3rd level, when you prepare your artificer spells you can prepare certain spells and create spell inventions for them in addition to your normal number of prepared spells. These spells count as artificer spells for you, even if they aren’t on the artificer spell list
Table: Machinist Spells
3rd mage armor , shield
5th blur , invigorated strikes
9th crushing haymaker , whirlwind kick
13th death ward , freedom of movement
17th arcane hand , storm kick
PugiTek Knuckles
Also at 3rd level, you learn to fashion your spell inventions into PugiTek Knuckles, arcanomechanical knuckledusters of an appropriate weight and size for you, ignoring normal weight and size limitations for spell inventions.
You can make magical unarmed strikes with PugiTek Knuckles using Intelligence instead of Strength for attack and damage rolls, even with a fizzled spell invention. All features that reference unarmed strikes in this archetype assume you make them with a PugiTek Knuckle and do not work otherwise. You can roll a d4 in place of normal damage with an unarmed strike when not wielding a shield. This number increases as you gain levels, per the Adept Table, as though your adept level were equal to your artificer level. Finally, your PugiTek Knuckles count as tools of artifice when worn.
PugiTek Training
Also at 3rd level, whenever you cast a spell using a PugiTek Knuckle you may choose to deliver it as an unarmed strike, dealing the spell’s damage along with that of your unarmed strike. This limits the spell’s range to that of your unarmed strike and the number of targets to one. On a successful hit, the spell otherwise works as normal, but if you miss you do not have to roll a fizzle die.
Additionally, you learn physical techniques, enabling your style of close-quarters combat. While wearing your PugiTek Knuckles, you can spend a bonus action to gain one of the following effects for a number of rounds equal to twice your proficiency bonus. You can do so a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, regaining all spent uses on a long rest .
Agility Training
Add your Intelligence modifier to your AC. To select this option, you must expend an infusion use.
Climbing Skills
You gain a climb speed of 30 feet.
Light Steps
You ignore difficult terrain .
Swift Feet
Your Speed increases to 50 feet.
SpellPunch Flurry
At 5th level, when you cast a cantrip using PugiTek Training, you can use your bonus action to make two unarmed strikes against the same target. These strikes deal the same type of damage the cantrip deals.
You can replace any of these unarmed strikes with a basic maneuver. If you do this, you can use your spell save DC in place of your maneuver DC. At 11th level, you can make three unarmed strikes with this feature. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, regaining all expended uses on a long rest.
Improved PugiTek Training
At 9th level, when you use PugiTek Training to cast a spell of 1st level and the spell affects an area, you may choose to have the spell originate from you (centering spheres or cubes on you, or starting lines or cones from your square); you are immune to the effects of the spell when you do this. If the spell affects multiple targets, you may instead deliver the spell as a series of unarmed strikes against creatures within your reach, otherwise following the normal rules of PugiTek Training.
Additionally, after casting a spell of 1st level or higher through a PugiTek Knuckle, you can channel the magical recoil and take the Disengage or Dash action as a bonus action. You can use this ability even if you miss with your unarmed strike, as well as in conjunction with SpellPunch Flurry.
Finally, you can expend an infusion use as a bonus action to give extra distance to your strikes. Until the end of your turn, your reach with your unarmed strikes (including using PugiTek Training and this feature) increase to 60 feet. You have disadvantage on melee attacks against creatures more than 20 feet away from you.
PugiTek Mastery
At 15th level, your consistent channeling of magic means it has seeped into your bones, empowering and changing you. You gain resistance to force damage and one other type of damage of your choice, as well as immunity to the rattled condition. You can also spend an infusion use as a reaction to gain advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects until the beginning of your next turn.