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Distinguished Top Hat

Wondrous Item, Rare (cost 1099 gp)
Crafting Components

Leather of a malice beast that you defeated without taking any damage.

This fine top hat of malice beast leather invigorates you whenever you would falter against something that would jeopardize your dignity.

While you are wearing the hat you benefit from the following properties. 

This self-repairing hat shifts its size, design, coloration, cleanliness, and position on your head according to your precise thoughts and wishes. The hat can never fall off or be knocked off unless otherwise noted. Even if the hat is a comically miniature top hat resting precariously on the side of your head during a gale, it will not fall off.

When you would fail a saving throw, you can have the top hat fall to the ground, landing at your feet. If you do so, you can reroll the saving throw, and you never have disadvantage on this saving throw. Once the top hat has been displaced this way, it cannot be displaced again until the next dawn.