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Sometimes societies are overturned by war and conflict, and there isn’t always a homeland to return to once the war is over. Refugees with nowhere to go often go nowhere together, forming great roaming caravans. They travel along the migratory routes of wild animal herds, or from city to city as travelling merchants, or to cities unafraid of a few hundred or a few thousand travelers suddenly arriving on their doorsteps. 

With no land to call their own the caravans make the roads their home. Wagons and carts are loaded up with everything that made their homeland theirs, songs herald their arrival, and colorful pennants wave behind them as they go. It can be an appealing lifestyle, and quite often runaways escape on caravans. Caravan life can be harsh, but it is still a life of adventure on the open road. 

Characters raised in the caravanner culture share a variety of traits in common with one another. 

Caravanner. Long hauls require steady handling of a wagon and a good rapport with the pack animals. You are proficient with the Animal Handling skill and with land vehicles. 

Long Hauler. Sometimes riding in a caravan means enduring long hours and harsh weather. You have proficiency in the Survival skill. In addition, you have advantage on saving throws made to avoid fatigue from a forced march.

Mobile Living. You can create a ramshackle version of a cart or wagon with 30 minutes of work if you have access to raw or reclaimed materials. Ramshackle vehicles created in this way function identically to their normal counterparts, except their gold piece value is always 0, they have half as many hit points as their normal counterparts, and they break and become useless if they are hit by any attack roll with a result of natural 20. 

Trampling Charge. Caravanners have learned to bowl down obstacles in their way. When you or a mount you’re riding uses the Dash action or a vehicle you’re driving uses the Ahead Full action, you can move through spaces occupied by creatures with a size category smaller than you, or your mount, or the vehicle. Creatures moved through in this way must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC equal to 8 + your Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus). On a failed save, creatures are knocked prone and take an amount of bludgeoning damage equal to your level. Creatures cannot be damaged twice from the same trampling charge. Once you use this trait, you cannot do so again until you finish a short or long rest .

Languages. You can speak, read, sign, and write Common and one other language.


The Core Rule

The Core Rule

d20The twenty-sided die (d20) is at the heart of Level Up’s action resolution mechanic. To make an attack, ability check, skill check , or saving throw , players roll a d20 and add their relevant modifiers. Apply any bonuses and penalties, and compare the total to the appropriate difficulty rating (Armor Class, Difficulty Class, and so on). If the total equals or exceeds the rating, the roll is a success. Otherwise, it’s a failure.

Roll ​​​​​​​d20 + ability modifier + proficiency bonus expertise die


Group Checks

Sometimes the Narrator will call for a group check. Group checks take place when the entire party is engaged in a single task, such as climbing a cliff or sneaking up on an enemy camp. The more skilled members of the group are able to help the less skilled members. 

In a group check, every player makes an ability check or a skill check . If more than half of the group succeeds in their check, the group as a whole succeeds. If half or less of the group succeed, the group as a whole fails.

Criticals and Fumbles

When you roll a 20 on a d20 attack roll, saving throw, or ability check (before applying any modifiers, bonuses, and penalties), this is referred to as a “natural 20”. Rolling a 1 on a d20 attack roll, saving throw, or ability check (before applying any modifiers, bonuses, and penalties) is referred to as a “natural 1”.

Critical Hits and Fumbles. A natural 20 on an attack roll is a critical hit and is always successful. On the flip side, rolling a natural 1 on an attack roll is considered a critical fumble and always misses. 

Critical Saves. A natural 20 on a saving throw is a critical save and always succeeds. A natural 1 on a saving throw is always a failure.

Critical Successes. A natural 20 on an ability check or skill check  is a critical success so long as the creature attempting it would normally have succeeded on the check. For example, a baby goblin could never break out of steel manacles using Strength but an adult warrior goblin might. On a critical success the objective of the check is achieved and something else happens as well.

Critical Failures. A natural 1 on an ability check is a critical failure so long as the creature attempting it would normally have failed on the check. On a critical failure, the objective of the check is failed, and something unfortunate happens as well.

Group Criticals. When making a group check, a critical success is achieved if all members of the party succeed in their checks, while a critical failure takes place if all members of the party fail.


Criticals and fumbles also provide opportunities for additional positive and negative consequences. For example, in addition to being a guaranteed success, a critical hit increases the damage caused by an attack (dealing double damage). At the Narrator’s discretion, a fumble might also result in a complication for the attacker, such as their weapon getting stuck in a wooden door, requiring an ability check to free it.

Advantage, Disadvantage, and Expertise

There are two ways that a creature's chances of success can be increased or decreased.

Advantage & Disadvantage

Sometimes a circumstance grants advantage or disadvantage on an ability check, a saving throw , or an attack roll. When that happens, you roll two twenty-sided dice instead of one. For advantage, you use the higher of the two rolls. For disadvantage, you use the lower of the two rolls.

When you have both advantage and disadvantage (regardless of from how many sources), they cancel each other out and you roll normally.

Expertise Dice

Some class features or traits grant you an expertise die for an attack roll or saving throw , or in a specific skill or tool proficiency. When you make a d20 roll with which you have gained an expertise die, roll 1d4 and add the number rolled to the result of your check.

You can never roll more than one expertise die on the same roll. If another class feature or situation grants an expertise die that applies to the same roll, you don’t gain another die; instead, the size of the expertise die increases for that check, from 1d4 to 1d6, or 1d6 to 1d8. If you have a 1d8 expertise die on a check, further expertise dice have no effect.

If you have advantage or disadvantage at the same time as an expertise die, only the d20 is rolled twice, not the expertise die.

While advantage is most commonly used to represent circumstantial factors affecting a situation, expertise dice typically represent the particular training a character takes into the adventure.


Unless noted otherwise, when rounding in Level Up you round down.

Rules as Tools

The rules of Level Up presented here are designed to provide a supportive structure and foster an enjoyable environment for play. Rules provide guidance, clarity, and a common framework so everyone playing the game can be on the same page.

Even so, rules disagreements can still pop up from time to time. At any given table, open discussion is valuable and encouraged, but getting too caught up in a debate about the rules can bring a session to a screeching halt. By providing custom or house rules and safety tools to players prior to the start of play, the Narrator can set expectations ahead of time and help avoid problems at the table.

But even with preparation, a Narrator might still need to make an on-the-spot ruling when a rule is contested or can’t easily be referenced without interrupting the flow of play. To aid with this important responsibility, Narrators can make a one-time ruling that takes precedence over any official or unofficial rules, as long as it enhances the fun for everyone at the table.

Gearing Up For Adventure

Gearing Up For Adventure

Your character begins the game with starting equipment determined by their background and class. Starting equipment includes everything from weapons and armor to general tools and items. Be sure to record your starting equipment on the character sheet. 

If you’d like to have more flexibility in the gear your character starts the game with you can alternatively use your class’ gold pieces (gp) to buy your own. 

Be sure to keep in mind that your character has to carry everything you buy! Strength scores determine the maximum amount of equipment characters can carry. Avoid going over a total weight in pounds greater than your Strength score times 15, and be mindful of any bulky items that weigh over 40 pounds or are larger than 2 feet across. 

If your character is going on a journey, they will also need to carry food and water with them (or whatever it is they eat and drink). You can carry a number of days' Supply equal to your Strength score, in addition to your equipment, weapons, and armor.


Your Armor Class (AC) represents your character’s ability to avoid sustaining damage in battle. Numerous things affect your AC in various ways, such as armor, traits, features, Dexterity and more. 

Unarmored, your character’s AC is 10 + their Dexterity modifier. While wearing armor, utilizing shields, or taking advantage of traits and features, the AC calculation will differ based on the circumstances. For equipment the details of AC calculation are available as part of an item’s description, and the criteria and effects of other options are listed in your character’s class, heritage, or culture.

When your character is subject to more than one way to calculate their AC, you can choose which one to apply. 

One of the key things to remember when making your character is that not everyone can use armor and shields. Your character must be proficient with armor and shields in order to use them with any efficiency, and there are certain drawbacks from struggling to use either without knowing how to properly do so. 


Weapons are the bread and butter of any savvy adventurer, even those who use them as only a last resort. 

Weapon attacks are made by rolling a d20 and adding your proficiency bonus (as long as your character is actually proficient with the weapon) and the appropriate ability modifier. Weapon damage is calculated by rolling the weapon’s damage die and adding any applicable modifiers.

Melee weapons use your character’s Strength modifier or Dexterity modifier for attack and damage rolls. 

Meanwhile, ranged weapons use Dexterity for attack and damage rolls. Some weapons with the thrown property, such as javelins, allow you to use your character’s Strength modifier instead. 

All attacks also indicate the type of damage they deal. A sickle deals slashing damage while a heavy maul deals bludgeoning damage. Damage types, besides being cool aspects of your character, also come into play as some situations may call for one type of damage type over the other.  

Some special attacks (basic combat maneuvers that you use to grapple or shove a creature) instead do an amount of damage called basic melee damage. This is equal to 1 + your Strength modifier.






Generating Ability Scores

Generating Ability Scores

There are six key ability scores that factor into everything that your character does in the game: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. These abilities and their uses are described in detail in later chapters. Review Table: Ability Scores in Theory and Practice to get an idea of what they are, what classes rely on them, and how they may come up in play. 

Ability scores are generated randomly by rolling four 6-sided dice and recording the total of the highest three dice on a spare sheet of paper. You continue to do this until you have a total of six numbers. 

Choose where you’d like to assign these numbers by recording each next to an ability score. 

After that’s done, modify your ability scores to account for any additional bonuses your character gained from their background. 

The final ability scores will determine your ability modifiers, which can be seen in the Ability Scores and Modifiers table. 

To figure out your ability modifier without the table, subtract 10 from an ability score and then divide the result by 2 (round down). Record the modifier next to your ability scores. 

Variant: Standard Ability Array

Instead of rolling dice to determine your six ability scores, you may choose to use the following scores instead: 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8. 

Variant: Custom Ability Scores

With the Narrator’s approval, you can use the following method to create ability scores. 

You have 27 points to spend on ability scores. The cost of each score is shown on the Ability Score Point Cost table. This approach to ability score generation limits the highest score to 15 before the application of ability score increases from other sources. 



Proficiency Bonus

Proficiency Bonus

Your proficiency bonus can be found in the table below. Characters starting out at 1st level begin with a +2 to proficiency and that bonus applies to a number of important character elements: 

Proficiencies come from a number of sources, including backgrounds , classes, feats , and more. Be sure to keep a look out for when your character gains a proficiency and note it on the character sheet. 

Your proficiency bonus can only be added to a die roll or any other circumstance once. The only exceptions are cases where the bonus is modified before being applied to a roll. If circumstances arise that indicate your bonus should be halved, doubled, or multiplied more than once, the golden rule is to only halve, double, or multiply it once. 

Level Proficiency Bonus
1-4 +2
5-8 +3
9-12 +4
13-16 +5
17-20 +6


Hit Points and Hit Dice

Hit Points and Hit Dice

Your character’s hit points provide a rough idea of how much damage they can withstand. Your hit points are determined by your Hit Dice which are in turn tied to your class. At 1st level, your character begins with 1 Hit Dice and hit points equal to the maximum number of that Hit Dice. You also gain additional hit points based on your Constitution modifier which will be covered later in the character creation process. Another use for Hit Dice is the ability to roll them in order to recover hit points during a short rest .

The total number of hit points you have available is called your hit point maximum.

Be sure to record your character’s Hit Dice and hit points on the character sheet.



Adventurers come from all walks of life and approach the world in different ways. Class is the term used to broadly describe the set of skills and abilities they use while confronting the challenges of the world.

While your origin describes your character’s past, your class represents what they are doing now. 

Choosing a class for your character provides them with class features, the unique talents and expertise inherent to their class that set them apart from other classes. In addition, you also gain certain proficiencies which represent your character’s skills and what they are best at resisting (their saving throws ), as well as their ability to use certain tools, armor, weapons and more. Proficiencies essentially outline the things your character can do well, such as performing for a packed room or holding on to their sanity after a particularly powerful psychic spell.   

Depending on which class you choose, between 1st and 3rd level you select a class archetype. Every class has its own set of disciplines that each specialize in one particular aspect of the adventuring tradition. Some rogues are very sneaky, others utilize magic in their thievery, and there are those who become master assassins—all rogues that made different choices with their archetypes.



Most characters start at 1st level and advance by adventuring and gaining experience points (XP). A good way to picture a character at this level is to see them as a newcomer to some of the more difficult challenges you’ll face.  

Record your level on the character sheet as 1st level and indicate that your starting experience is zero. 

Depending on the campaign your Narrator is making for the group, your game’s stakes may be high enough that your character starts at a higher level. In those cases think about what dangerous and fascinating events may have brought you to that point as you begin creating your character. 

A higher level character would typically begin with the minimum experience points necessary for that level. In the case of higher level characters, be sure to note the additional features and traits that come with each class level past the 1st.

Character Creation

Character Creation

The worlds of Level Up offer an infinite combination of possibilities and circumstances that shape the lives of the characters who live within it. Your first step is deciding what type of character you want to create. Their personality, appearance, aspirations, desires, and fears are all up to you. It’s through their eyes that you’ll experience the world, and all the details you give them shape how you—and by extension they—interact with the world and respond to what takes place during the course of gameplay. 

Before diving into the mechanics of the character creation process try to imagine what you’re looking for in a character and what interests you as a player. Are you fascinated by the dynamics between gods and mortals? Are you intrigued by combat in all its myriad forms? Or do you prefer to be the source of knowledge for the party, surprising them with just the right tidbit of information to save the day or ruin it for someone else? 


Who is your character? Where do they come from? What drives them forward?

Creating your character generally begins by asking yourself a series of questions about not just the type of adventurer you want to play but also what type of person they are and how they came to be who they are.

Origins are detailed later on in the book but consist of four main aspects: heritage , culture , background , and destiny . As you go through the character creation process, each of these aspects will help you flesh out more details about your character or prompt you to determine traits you otherwise may not have considered.


Characters in the world belong to a heritage which includes certain biological characteristics and defines some aspects of their physical appearance. Other things, such as a character’s speed and size, are also derived from their heritage. While a heritage may be a factor in your character’s story, that’s just the beginning. Who they are is defined by the experiences and the actions that lead them to where they are now.

Choosing a heritage grants your character access to additional traits and a heritage gift, which helps you make your character stand out from the crowd. For example, a dragonborn ’s trait allows them to do what dragons do best and exhale a breath based on that ancestry that can burn, electrify, and even freeze their enemies. Meanwhile some dragonborn have scales like iron while others have developed aquatic adaptations.

In addition, as your character levels up, they choose a paragon heritage gift that is unique to their heritage.


Your character’s culture details the society and circumstances that helped shape who they are. This provides a number of traits including proficiencies,
languages, and other benefits related to the culture that influenced their development.

One of the key things to keep in mind during character creation is that culture options are universal and aren’t limited to specific heritages. This opens up a number of fun and interesting options and opportunities for your creativity to color outside of the lines!


If a culture tells how a character started, their background helps outline where their journey led. There are a number of backgrounds to choose from each of which provides bonuses to your ability scores, additional proficiencies, and features to your character can use while adventuring.

That’s just mechanics though, and thinking about the details of how a background influences your character’s thoughts and actions is a great way to add depth to a concept. Deciding on your character’s memento (an object of personal importance) and connection (a person who matters to them) helps you create stakes in the world.


All characters in the world have a destiny that they move towards, though whether or not they will reach it is a mystery. When creating a character you are able to place a mark of destiny upon them to not just help you better understand who they are and where you want them to go, but also help the Narrator get an idea of what you’re looking for as a player. It is a summation of their motivations, goals and outlook. It also provides your character an edge at key moments that would help them move toward that destiny. 

Adventuring Classes

Adventurers come from all walks of life and approach the world in different ways. Class is the term used to broadly describe the set of skills and abilities they use while confronting the challenges of the world.

While your origin describes your character’s past, your class represents what they are doing now. Choosing a class for your character provides them with class features, the unique talents and expertise inherent to their class that set them apart from other classes. In addition, you also gain certain proficiencies which represent your character’s skills and what they are best at resisting (their saving throws), as well as their ability to use certain tools, armor, weapons and more. Proficiencies essentially outline the things your character can do well, such as performing for a packed room or holding on to their sanity after a particularly powerful psychic spell.

Depending on which class you choose, between 1st and 3rd level you select a class archetype. Every class has its own set of disciplines that each specialize in one particular aspect of the adventuring tradition. Some rogues are very sneaky, others utilize magic in their thievery, and there are those who become master assassins — all rogues that made different choices with their archetypes.


Most characters start at 1st level and advance by adventuring and gaining experience points (XP). A good way to picture a character at this level is to see them as a newcomer to some of the more difficult challenges you’ll face.

Record your level on the character sheet as 1st level and indicate that your starting experience is zero. Depending on the campaign your Narrator is making for the group, your game’s stakes may be high enough that your character starts at a higher level. In those cases think about what dangerous and fascinating events may have brought you to that point as you begin creating your character.

A higher level character would typically begin with the minimum experience points necessary for that level. In the case of higher level characters, be sure you understand the various features and traits that come with each additional level in the class.

Hit Points and Hit Dice

Your character’s hit points provide a rough idea of how much damage they can withstand. Your hit points are determined by your Hit Dice which are in turn tied to your class. At 1st level, your character begins with 1 Hit Dice and hit points equal to the maximum number of that Hit Dice. You also gain additional hit points based on your Constitution modifier which will be covered later in the character creation process. Another use for Hit Dice is the ability to roll them in order to recover hit points during a short rest.

The total number of hit points you have available is called your hit point maximum.

Be sure to record your character’s Hit Dice and hit points on the character sheet.

Proficiency Bonus

Your proficiency bonus can be found in the table that describes the features you gain at each level of your class. Characters starting out at 1st level begin with a +2 to proficiency and that bonus applies to a number of important character elements:

  • Attacks you make with weapons you are proficient with.
  • Spell attacks cast against your adversaries.
  • Ability checks made using proficiency-based skills.
  • Ability checks made to utilize tools that you are proficient with.
  • Saving throw DCs for features, spells, and traits you use.
  • Saving throws you have proficiency in.

Proficiencies come from a number of sources, including backgrounds, classes, feats, and more. Be sure to keep a look out for when your character gains a proficiency and note it on the character sheet.

Your proficiency bonus can only be added to a die roll or any other circumstance once. The only exceptions are cases where the bonus is modified before being applied to a roll. If circumstances arise that indicate your bonus should be halved, doubled, or multiplied more than once, the golden rule is to only halve, double, or multiply it once.

Proficiency Bonus
Level Bonus
1-4 +2
5-8 +3
9-12 +4
13-16 +5
17-20 +6


Determine Ability Scores

There are six key ability scores that factor into everything that your character does in the game: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. These abilities and their uses are described in detail in later chapters. 

Ability scores are generated randomly by rolling four 6-sided dice and recording the total of the highest three dice on a spare sheet of paper. You continue to do this until you have a total of six numbers.

Choose where you’d like to assign these numbers by recording each next to an ability score.

After that’s done, modify your ability scores to account for any additional bonuses your character gained from their background.

The final ability scores will determine your ability modifiers, which can be seen in the Ability Scores and Modifiers table.

To figure out your ability modifier without the table, subtract 10 from an ability score and then divide the result by 2 (round down). Record the modifier next to your ability scores.

Ability Scores and Modifiers
Score   Modifier  
1 -5
2-3 -4
4-5 -3
6-7 -2
8-9 -1
10-11 +0
12-13 +1
14-15 +2
16-17 +3
18-20 +4
20-21 +5
22-23 +6
25-25 +7
26-27 +8
28-29 +9
30 +10


Variant: Standard Ability Array

Instead of rolling dice to determine your six ability scores, you may choose to use the following scores instead: 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8.

Variant: Custom Ability Scores

With the Narrator’s approval, you can use the following method to create ability scores.

You have 27 points to spend on ability scores. The cost of each score is shown on the Ability Score Point Cost table. This approach to ability score generation limits the highest score to 15 before the application of ability score increases from other sources.

Ability Scores Point Cost
Score Modifier
8 0
9 1
10 2
11 3
12 4
13 5
14 7
15 9


Gear Up For Adventure

Your character begins the game with starting equipment determined by their background and class. Starting equipment includes everything from weapons and armor to general tools and items. Be sure to record your starting equipment on the character sheet.

If you’d like to have more flexibility in the gear your character starts the game with you can alternatively use your class’ gold pieces (gp) to buy your own.

Be sure to keep in mind that your character has to carry everything you buy! Strength scores determine the maximum amount of equipment characters can carry. Avoid going over a total weight in pounds greater than your Strength score times 15.

If your character is going on a journey, they will also need to carry supplies with them. You can carry a number of days’ supplies equal to your Strength score, in addition to your equipment, weapons, and armor.


Your Armor Class (AC) represents your character’s ability to avoid sustaining damage in battle.

Numerous things affect your AC in various ways, such as armor, traits, features, Dexterity and more. Unarmored, your character’s AC is 10 + their Dexterity modifier. While wearing armor, utilizing shields, or taking advantage of traits and features, the AC calculation will differ based on the circum- stances. For equipment the details of AC calculation are available as part of an item’s description, and the criteria and effects of other options are listed in your character’s class, heritage, or culture.

When your character is subject to more than one way to calculate their AC, you can choose which one to apply.

One of the key things to remember when making your character is that not everyone can use armor and shields. Your character must be proficient with armor and shields in order to use them with any efficiency, and there are certain drawbacks from struggling to use either without knowing how to properly do so ( Equipment ).

Save Difficulty Classes

Some of your attacks and spells may force your target to make a saving throw to resist it. You have two saving throw difficulty classes (DCs), one used for
combat maneuvers, and the other for spellcasting.

Maneuver save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength or Dexterity modifier.

Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your spellcasting ability modifier.


Weapons are the bread and butter of any savvy adventurer, even those who use them as only a last resort.

Weapon attacks are made by rolling a d20 and adding your proficiency bonus (as long as your character is actually proficient with the weapon) and the appropriate ability modifier. Weapon damage is calculated by rolling the weapon’s damage die and adding any applicable modifiers.

Melee weapons use your character’s Strength modifier or Dexterity modifier for attack and damage rolls.

Meanwhile, ranged weapons use Dexterity for attack and damage rolls. Some weapons with the thrown property, such as javelins, allow you to use your character’s Strength modifier instead.

All attacks also indicate the type of damage they deal. A sickle deals slashing damage while a heavy maul deals bludgeoning damage. Damage types, besides being cool aspects of your character, also come into play as some situations may call for one type of damage type over the other.

Some special attacks instead do an amount of damage called basic melee damage. This is equal to 1 + your Strength modifier.

Skill Specialties

At 1st level you gain your first two skill specialties, chosen from skills you are proficient with. When you make an ability check to which your skill specialty applies, you gain an expertise die. You may not gain the same skill specialty twice. If your Intelligence is 12 or higher, you gain extra skill specialties (see Intelligence).

Introduction to Level Up

Introduction to Level Up

Adventurer's Guide



The core rules of the game.

Trials & Treasures



Exploration, magic items, gamemastery.

Monstrous Menagerie



Monsters, monsters, and more monsters!




Free adventures, ready-to-play directly from this site.

Gate Pass Gazette



Level Up's official magazine includes new rules each month.

Adventures in ZEITGEIST



The official setting book.

Adventures in ZEITGEIST



Stats for myths and legends from the real world.


Third Party Products



A list of Level Up products created by third party publishers.
