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Telepathic Messaging

Telepathic Messaging

Concentration ()

You can use a bonus action to send a telepathic message of 25 words or less to a creature you are focused on. It can reply with a bonus action while you are focused on it.

Surge. You can spend +3 psionic points to increase range to Unlimited [requires power rating IV].

Silent Passenger

Silent Passenger

Concentration ()

You psychically inhabit the corporeal body of another creature, perceiving all its thoughts, actions, and sensations as if they are your own. While in this state you are unaware of your own physical surroundings. A creature that fails its initial saving throw may make an additional saving throw every 15 minutes; on a success your presence is ejected and the creature is aware it was inhabited, though not by whom or for how long.

Read Mind

Read Mind

Concentration ()

You scan for thinking creatures in range and probe a creature’s mind to read its thoughts by focusing on it. The creature makes a Wisdom saving throw. On a successful save, you fail to read the creature’s thoughts, and the creature gains an expertise die on saves against this power for the next 24 hours; unlike normal, this expertise die has a maximum of 1d12.

Push Thought

Push Thought

Concentration ()

Creatures that cannot be charmed are immune to this power. Suggest an activity phrased in a sentence or two. The target is psychically influenced to follow that course of activity. The suggestion must be worded to sound reasonable. Asking the target to perform an action that is obviously harmful to it ends the effect of this power.

The target carries out the activity suggested by you as well as it can. The effect of this power ends early once the target has carried out the activity.



Concentration ()

You create an illusory image in the target’s mind that appears completely real. The illusion includes sounds, smells, and temperature in addition to visual phenomena. None of the effects of the illusion are able to cause actual harm. While within range you can use an action to move the illusion. As the image moves you may also change its appearance to make the movement seem natural (like a bird moving its wings to fly) and also change the nonvisual elements of the illusion for the same reason (like the sound of beating wings as the bird flies).



Concentration ()

The target makes a manifesting ability saving throw or its thoughts turn inward upon itself creating an internal reality from which it cannot easily escape. If it does not have the ability to use psionic power, it rolls an Intelligence saving throw with disadvantage.

Mental Domination

Mental Domination

Concentration ()

You overpower your target’s mind, forcing it to do your bidding. The target makes a Wisdom saving throw. On a success, the power has no effect.

If the target fails the saving throw, for the duration of the power you may issue instructions (no action required) which it will do its best to obey. The target must be able to hear and understand the instructions.

Memory Control

Memory Control


You steal or alter a creature’s thoughts or memories. The target has advantage on its saving throw if you or your allies are in combat with it. When you manifest this power, select one of the following options:

Alter Memory. You dictate changes to any memories of an event that took place within the last 24 hours and lasted 10 minutes or less to the target in a language you both understand.

Mask Presence

Mask Presence

Concentration ()

You mask your presence from visible forms of detection, effectively rendering yourself invisible. This effect ends early if you exceed your Speed when moving, make an attack, or force another creature to make a saving throw.

When your power rating is equal to or greater than III, the power’s effect does not end when you exceed your Speed or make an attack. When your power rating is equal to or greater than V, you can target up to 4 willing creatures at once.

Horrifying Hallucination

Horrifying Hallucination

Concentration ()

You tap into the mind of the target to create a fearsome illusion so complete it can cause psychic harm. Only the target can see this illusion. When you manifest this power and at the end of each of its turns, the target makes a Wisdom saving throw.

On a failed save the target takes 2d10 psychic damage as you manifest one of the following (the effect persists for the duration unless you use a reaction to choose another):